Artist of the Month: Mary Monet, PC Art Club

Mary Monet

Mary Monet

I have always been fascinated with art. I grew up in a Washington State ranching and college community that embraced the arts. My next-door neighbor was a postmodern art college professor, whom I modeled for and invaded his studio. My hip California aunt is a painter who would allow me to sit with her while she painted beautiful large canvases, encouraging my childish pestering. In high school, the wife of my husband’s golf coach taught art—both the practice and the appreciation of art. Although most of my college friends at Washington University were art phenoms, they encouraged me as we took art electives and visited museums together.

After earning a degree in health care management from Seattle University, I worked in health care, first in the Northwest and then in the Phoenix area when we moved to the valley. Seventeen years ago, after our daughter graduated from high school, Brian and I moved to PebbleCreek (PC), but it was only when I retired just prior to COVID-19 that I was able to return to art.

The amazing art opportunities in PebbleCreek jump-started my renewed interest in drawing and painting. The instruction through the teachers in the Art Club and the support of fellow artists has been amazing! Unequivocally, the PC art community is responsible for promoting tremendous artistic growth in its members, regardless of their starting point.

So far, I have not concentrated on one subject or medium, as each new project becomes my newest favorite! Even “ugly duckling” paintings provide lessons, and I’ve had many such helpful lessons. I am encouraged in those moments by a quote by the late Bob Ross, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” Taking new art classes is so inspiring, helpful, and fun. Art instructors at PC are especially encouraging, providing resources and guidance.

My family, including Brian’s mother who lives with us, are incredibly supportive of my art. Brian gave up the den for my art invasion; our 10-pound rescue dog Bailey helps me take art-dog play breaks, and cat buddy Xena makes me laugh as she “helps” by chewing on art materials and stepping into paint.

They and my fellow PebbleCreek artists are my art inspiration and muses. I am so grateful for their fabulous support. I thank every one of you for your encouragement and this incredible art honor!

Mary Monet’s artwork will be on display during the month of October at both clubhouses and the window of the Creative Arts Center. Her work will also be on display at the Oct. 14 PebbleCreek Art Club Show.