The Best Laid Plans

Larry Sessoms

Scottish poet Robert Burns, among others, taught us that even the best laid plans often go awry. For our PebbleCreek Community Church, that included cancellation of Palm Sunday, Easter sunrise, and Easter morning formal services. Yet, in these times of crisis, creativity and innovation came to the forefront.  Thanks to the talents within our community we found technology to repurpose the existing audio recordings of Pastor Bob Ripley’s sermons on our website and expanded that space to provide video of new services (recorded from the pastor’s home in our villas), which include church announcements and scripture readings. These new services were placed on the home page of our church’s website at We are pleased that these services have been enjoyed not only by our congregation, but also by many more within our PebbleCreek community.

Hopefully, by the time this article appears in our May PebbleCreek Post, we will be back to meetings in person. In the interim, however, we have also adopted Zoom to maintain many of our Bible studies. This has proven so successful that several of our study groups are now considering using webinar technology through the summer months, normally a down period for these studies.

In some senses, you might say that with the crisis before us we have found that we can teach old dogs new tricks. Thus, we have expanded our church’s use of technology and successfully reached out in our service to our community in new ways. At the same time, we join with all Creekers in looking forward to a return of more normal times including church services followed by times of fellowship.

PebbleCreek Community Church is a non-denominational Christian church for residents of PebbleCreek. Our church (normally) meets every Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom for services. All are welcome to join us in worship followed by a time of fellowship. Check us out on the web at Blessings!