This photo was taken at the February dinner. From left to right are: Arnold Hickey, Jack Englemann, Mike McConnell, and Brian Wagner.
Spring is here and so is the transition for some of the officers of the wine club. In April, we’ll say thank you and farewell to Jeri Lynne Jones, who has been the president for the last two years and previously held the position of vice president for two years prior to her presidency. While no longer on the board, she plans to remain a wine club member. Also leaving the board after nine years is Jack Englemann, who served as officer-at-large and always greeted the members at events with a smile, sometimes a joke, and a glass of welcome wine. In January, after eight years as webmaster, Alan Weitzman joined the retired ranks and Brian Wagner became the new webmaster.
The newly elected officers will begin their two-year term on May 1. Each position holds the office for two years. The new officers are:
* Kathy Worwa—President (is currently the secretary and ran uncontested)
* Betty Bailey—Treasurer (ran uncontested for another term)
* Arnold Hickey—Officer-at-large
The existing officers who have one year left on their terms are:
* Debbie George—Vice President
* Robin Anderson—Reservations
When Kathy Worwa transitions from secretary to president on May 1, she will appoint and announce a new secretary to complete the second year of that two-year term.
If you’re thinking about joining the wine club, the dues for the new year begin May 1 and go through April 30. This is a perfect time to become a member, enjoy some good wine, and make new friends. There are a lot of new ideas on the horizon—come and be part of the fun. You can always find current information on the website at pcwineclub.com. Cheers!