Sharon Moers with one of her paintings
Sharon Moers
I am beyond honored to have been chosen for this recognition. I was born in Detroit and went to Michigan State University. In the early ’80s I left Michigan for California, living there until 2012. I worked as a legal assistant in Century City (Los Angeles), for 25 years for a major law firm.
Once we moved to PebbleCreek in 2012, I immersed myself in many activities. A few were pickleball, water volleyball, Spanish, and Zumba.
We love to travel and have been to Europe several times and all over the Caribbean, New England, Canada and Mexico. The art and history of Greece and Italy that we have seen inspired us greatly. Our favorite place is the coast of California. While traveling through California around 2015, I met a woman on our travels to Mendocino at a farmers’ market. She had watercolors, paper, and brushes. She asked me to try it. Once I started painting, it was very emotional.
I didn’t take my first art class until 2017, when I took Nadine Lardner’s “Intuitive Art Painting.” I had no idea what to put on the canvas, what colors to use, what brushes to use, etc. Once I started that class, I wanted to learn everything about art. I took several classes at PebbleCreek, where my fellow artists are so encouraging and helpful. I also started watching YouTube videos of Ginger Cook, the Art Sherpa, Bob Ross, and many others.
I met an artist at the Wigwam in 2017 and took a class with her in Gold Canyon and Murphys, California. She was planning to teach a class in Italy, so I spent 10 glorious days with artists from around the country at an old monastery in Umbria, Italy. I have never looked back. I love working with pallet knives and brushes in acrylic. My style is constantly evolving, hopefully into a more free-flow. I am always looking forward to learning more. I love color as you can see from my work.
When I started showing my artwork and sold several pieces, I was even more encouraged. I am inspired by my fellow artists. This amazing art club has offered me confidence in my art endeavors. I thank the committee and my artist friends for their continued support.
Sharon’s art can be seen at both clubhouses and in the Creative Arts Center during the month of April.