Patsy and George Wagner with completed dog beds that will be delivered to local animal shelters.
Cynthia Schwartz
When creating a quilt, PebbleCreek quilters produce a lot of scraps of fabric. Some scraps are less than an inch and other pieces are much larger. In the past, fabric scraps were being tossed into the garbage and thrown in the dumpster. The question came up: What else could we do with scraps? Several years ago, someone in the PebbleCreek Quilters Club came up with a solution to reuse the scraps for a wonderful cause—use the scraps as stuffing to make dog beds.
Today, Patsy and George Wagner head up the project to make dog beds. They make various size dog bed covers from donated fabric. The covers are available in the Fabric Art Room in the Creative Arts Center. Quilters fill up the dog bed with fabric scraps and sew up the cover.
PC Quilters partnered with members of the Pet Companions Club in PebbleCreek who deliver the dog beds to metro area animal shelters. The beds are used by dogs and cats that are waiting to be adopted. When adopted, the dog bed goes with the happy pet!
“The Wagner Husband and Wife Team” are on their fourth year of volunteering for the dog bed program, producing over a hundred dog beds a year. George and Patsy commented, “All that fabric (scraps) is not going into the landfill. We are reusing material. The project benefits the community and makes many pets comfortable.”
We thank Patsy and George Wagner for volunteering to head up the dog bed project and making our furry friends happy.