Weekly Computer Club Meetings Begin Next Month

Dan Phelka

The PebbleCreek Computer Club resumes its weekly seasonal instructional meetings, Monday, Jan. 8, 2024, at 4:15 p.m. (until about 5:45 p.m.) in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. During the season (three months long), we will explain many Windows 11 and Windows 10 features and settings and show how to personalize your computer and keep it free of viruses and spyware. We’ll demonstrate how to use the internet efficiently including a list of fun and interesting websites. Email will be another topic. We’ll address how to speed up older computers and talk about what to look for in a new machine. File organization and backing up files will also be discussed, as will word processing and spreadsheets. Although PC focused, Apple users can benefit from the general discussions. Be sure to bring any computer questions you’d like addressed. There’s no need to bring a computer, as we will project a Windows 11 and Windows 10 machine on a big screen. Weekly sessions are every Monday, starting Jan. 8, 2024, through the month of March—all in Eagle’s Nest Ballroom at 4:15 p.m.

Come and sample a meeting, and then if you like it, become a member (still only $10 per person for the 2024 season) and attend all the sessions. Every session includes a hard copy handout—emailed ahead of the meeting to members. We also have an Apple-Focused Special Interest Group that meets at a different time and place.

For more information, including the weekly schedule of topics and links to handouts, see our website at www.pebblecreekcomputerclub.org or call Dan Phelka, president and instructor, at 623-535-7791.