Want to Learn to Play the Ukulele? Now Is the Time!

For those of us who live in PebbleCreek year round, the summer presents a dilemma … what to do when it’s too hot to go outside. Apart from wallowing in the pool, our choices are limited to what we can do indoors.

Have you ever wanted to be able to play a musical instrument but thought if you didn’t start early, your chance had passed? Have you shied away from the task of learning to read music? Do you think you don’t have the “talent”? The PebbleCreek Ukulele Club has news for you—you can learn an instrument at any age, you don’t need to be able to read music, and you don’t need any special talent to play the ukulele!

Summer is a perfect time to join us at the “Uke Club,” as we call it. In the summer our gatherings, or jams as ukulele sessions are called, are smaller. We have more time to spend with beginners and offer some individual instruction and guidance. The ukulele is one of the easier stringed instruments to learn. It has only four strings as opposed to the six of a guitar. It has a bright, happy sound and is also capable of playing many types of music. Learn just a few chords and you can play hundreds, if not thousands of songs. If you like to sing along with your playing, you can … or not! You don’t have to have a great voice. The ukulele is about fun and enjoyment, and playing with a group is less intimidating. If you don’t have an instrument, don’t be concerned, just let us know you are coming and we will bring instruments for you to try before you make an investment in your own.

Another plus is that we don’t use traditional musical notation to play songs, so you don’t have to learn to read music. You just learn some chords and charts for finger placement. There are many songs that require only two or three chords.

If you want more information, come along on a Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse or call Gillian Driscoll at 303-548-2108 or email Ross Hart at rjecbhart@ gmail.com. We also welcome folks who just want to listen or sing along with us.

Playing the uke is a way to stay cool and have fun in the Arizona summer!