Unit 8 Holiday Luncheon and Toy Collection
For the third consecutive year, Unit 8 ladies have celebrated the holidays with a luncheon, white elephant gift exchange, and games at Roman’s Oasis as well as collecting toys for the Goodyear Fire Department toy drive. We wish everyone in PebbleCreek a happy 2025 and look forward to including new folks in our unit at our activities. Contract Jane Holdcroft at [email protected] for more information regarding events. (Photo by Alisa Moore)
Unit 12 Luncheon and Donation Gifts
Cathy Howell
The ladies of Unit 12 had their Christmas luncheon at the new Copper & Sage restaurant. This year, as last, we bought nightgowns for hospice patients. The gowns are given to Chuck Patton, who takes them to be distributed.
Unit 20 Ladies’ Christmas Lunch
Peggy Pase
Twenty ladies from unit 20 celebrated the holiday season by meeting for lunch and conversation at the Eagle’s Nest Alcove on Dec. 17, 2024. We continued our annual tradition of bringing items to fulfill needs on the New Life Center’s wish list, and Fara Walling from the center joined us to accept the items. We’re looking forward to many more events together in 2025. (Photo by Peggy Pase)

Frank Gorski proudly shows off his Bloody Mary (photo by Dan Harris)
Unit 44’s First Annual New Year’s Bathrobe and Bedhead Brunch
Dan Harris
After the terrific party just a few hours before, Unit 44 revelers and friends stumbled into Dan and Jean Harris’s home on New Year’s Day for a relaxing and recuperating brunch of omelet casseroles, Bloody Marys, sausage balls, pastries, bundt cakes, and desserts. Residents were encouraged to attend in bathrobes and bedheads, ensuring that the neighborhood looked like an unplanned pajama parade. Many were indeed unkempt and in their sleepwear—hence, no group photo is shown out of respect for those in attendance. But we managed to take a photo of Frank Gorski proudly showing off a Bloody Mary made by Gwen DeBernardi, complete with celery, asparagus, cheese, pickles, and bacon garnishes to qualify as a full meal.
Residents gathered on the back patio to chat and cheer on golfers making their way through the 9th hole of the TF west course, while others stayed in the living room, enthusiastically—or sleepily—watching the exciting Peach Bowl contest between Texas and Arizona State. Meanwhile, drivers passing through Unit 44 were surely baffled to see a parade of bedheaded neighbors in bathrobes meandering down the street. It might not have been the Rose Parade, but it was certainly the toastiest—and tastiest—way to ring in the New Year!
Guess Who Came to Dinner in Unit 44?
Jean Harris
Thanks to an idea from our fabulous Gwen DeBernardi, Unit 44 started off the year with a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” party on Jan. 4. Gwen coordinated the guests, who arrived at Gwen’s house first for a cocktail party and to find out their assigned spot for the evening. Four couples agreed to host, and the remaining participants who attended brought their side dishes, salads, and desserts to their assigned dinner party host’s house. At the end of the evening, those still awake grouped together for an impromptu dance party and night around the fire pit to finish off a fun evening.
Unit 44 Celebrates the Holidays
Jean Harris
A festive crowd in Unit 44 appeared at Rick and Susan Labasky’s door on Dec. 13, 2024 for a mini golf cart parade and full-blown holiday party. Guests played a “Who I Am” game and enjoyed drinks, treats, and a visit from Santa (Don Paxton). Even Gwen DeBernardi’s canine family member, Phoebe, got into the spirit by wearing a festive costume!

After moving the ceiling fan blades out of the way, Unit 44’s Larry Weber places a Jenga piece atop the masters-style structure while (L-R) Lee Ann Thompson, Jack Campbell, and Suzanne Gudelj look on. Three more pieces were added at the top after this photo was taken before the structure toppled. (Photo by Dan Harris)
Unit 44 New Year’s Eve Party
Dan Harris
About 30 residents and friends of Unit 44 gathered at Scott and Deborah Crabtree’s home on Dec. 31 to ring in 2025. The evening kicked off with a lively crowd in glittery attire divided between football fans glued to the Fiesta Bowl game—rooting for either Penn State or Boise State—and others on the back patio tackling some high-stakes Jenga action. The first couple of Jenga games were friendly enough, but by the last game (see photo), it had escalated to ‘Jenga Masters,’ complete with a super-tall structure, dramatic gasps, and shaky hands.
Once the football game ended and the Jenga champions claimed their glory, DJ Scott Crabtree cranked up the party tunes. The dance floor quickly filled with moves ranging from ‘granny grooves’ to ‘dad’s aggravated knee replacement.’ At midnight, the evening hit its peak with champagne toasts, kissing couples, and everyone forming one big circle to sing “Auld Lang Syne.” It was a night filled with laughter, fun, and memories to last well into 2025.
Favorite Things in Unit 44
Jean Harris
The fabulous ladies of Unit 44 celebrated Christmas together on Dec. 7 at the home of Gwen DeBernardi. Once again, each neighbor brought a favorite gift item to share. It was not raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens that livened this group up, rather an interesting array of choices and stories that had all of us laughing and enjoying the night together. Left to right: Deborah Crabtree, Judy Gorski, Susan Labasky, Kathy Clark, Gwen DeBernardi (in front), Judy Campbell, Jean Merkel, Diane Russo, Debbie Baron, Peggy Hayner, Jean Harris, Suzanne Gudelj, Barbara Kamm, and Lee Ann Thompson

Excited to partake in the Unit 46 Golf Cart Caravan Party were, L to R, Ed Kopecky, Susan Kopecky, Tom Ratterman, Anne Ratterman, Kathy Haas, John Haas, Robin White, Tracy Kieras, Ron Kieras, Sally Coon, Roger White, Vicky Ferraresi, Scott Carnahan, Tammy Carnahan, Kane Carnahan, Santa (Brad Eichkorn), David Eichkorn, Peter Eichkorn, Spike Razem, Kelley Rogers, John Rogers, Dawn Razem. Absent from photo: Clint Pidherney, Tami-Jo Pidherney, Chuck Hakkarinen, JungSuk Mallen, Mark Eichkorn, Laurie Eichkorn, Heidi Eichkorn, and (another) Heidi Eichkorn.
Unit 46 Golf Cart Caravan Party
Spike Razem
Twelve golf carts and a shiny red scooter (with antlers) traveled through many streets of PebbleCreek to view some of the most spectacular Christmas light displays in the area. On Dec. 21, 2024, at 5:15 p.m., 30 festive parade-goers assembled in the front yard of Spike and Dawn Razem. After taking a group photo (which included two Santas, Mrs. Claus, and doggie Kane Claus) we lined up our specially decorated golf carts and proceeded on a 45–minute fun-filled trip through PebbleCreek. Highlights included caravanning through the tunnel underneath PC Parkway and stopping at an amazingly decorated house on the N. 155th cul-de-sac. There we were treated to some special hot toddy whiskey drinks and posed again for more photos.
Our lead caravan cart was driven (almost) perfectly by Dawn Razem, and our final trailing vehicle was that red scooter (almost) perfectly driven by our special Santa, Brad Eichkorn. Brad and his family were visiting from Buffalo, N.Y., and definitely couldn’t complain about our 70 degree weather that night.
After returning to the Razem Ranch, our Unit 46 post-parade party hit high gear with more special beverages and some delicious holiday appetizers. (People will be talking about Tami-Jo Pidherney’s tall Christmas tree cheese/meat tower for years to come.)
Congrats to Scott and Tammy Carnahan for winning the prize for best decorated golf cart. And, they also were unanimous winners for best matching outfits.
The winning best beverage was of course the PB & J Chambord concoction … yum yum.
And perhaps the biggest winner was St. John Vianney’s Food Pantry. All attendees were asked to bring a donation of nonperishable goods, and we ultimately filled an entire SUV trunk full of food to help this cause.
Thanks to all who attended, those who donated canned goods, and all who helped celebrate peace, love, and joy together. Good times keep rolling in Unit 46!

The Unit 46 neighbors who enjoyed the amazing Christmas parade, L to R: Ed Kopecky, Susan Kopecky, Bob Brewin, Dawn Razem, Jackie Brewin, Susan Gildea, Deb Lubitz, Bruce Lubitz, Tracy Kieras, Anita Acchione, Scott Carnahan, Jen Collopy, Liam Collopy, Spike Razem, Chuck Hakkarinen, Vicky Ferraresi, Tammy Carnahan, Delia Sanchez Podczerviensky, Robin White, JungSuk Mallen, Roger White, Nancy Edmonds, Scott Edmonds, Diane Brzozowski, Gene Walther, and Warren Mallen
Unit 46 Rendezvous with PC Golf Cart Parade
Spike Razem
With good organizing by Unit Coordinator Vicky Ferraresi, 26 Unit 46 residents assembled with chairs and beverages to watch the spectacular PebbleCreek Golf Cart Parade on Dec. 16, 2024. Timed perfectly at 2:30 p.m., the festive group of neighbors met at the intersection of Monterey Way and N. 165th Dr. We watched over 50 well-decorated golf carts slowly pass by, many tossing Christmas treats to our smiling crowd.
Once the last cart passed, we assembled for a photo, then proceeded to continue the festive party at the home of Susan and Dennis Gildea. There we toasted the holiday season with a glass of bubbly champagne (later followed by more excellent spiked eggnog beverages—hooray!).
Thanks much to Vicky, Susan, and Dennis for helping Unit 46 kick off the holidays in a fun and special way.
Unit 47A Rings in the New Year in Style
Cheryl Bisceglia
Our second annual progressive New Year’s Eve celebration was a big success. We visited four host homes over four hours. As we moved from house to house, the fun intensified with the sound of chatter, laughter, and some squealing about the cold. Our four host homes received help from co-hosts, and other neighbors who pitched in to make the evening a success. A good time was had by all, but our canine host Charlie wins my vote for the best party animal of the night. 47A is a relatively new Unit, but we’re setting a new standard for fun and community.
Unit 48 Bunco Babes
Rochelle Zuckerbrow
On Dec. 15 the Bunco Babes of Unit 48 got together. We played Bunco then had a gift exchange. We had a lot of fun, food, and laughs. Thanks to Joanie O’Neil for hosting.

From left to right: DeDe Harrington, Rosemary Eaton, Linda Frisch, Larry Burnson, Nancy Burnson, Barb Busker, Dave Nester, and Linda Rozelle
Unit 49A Pops the Cork on 2025!
Robin Thomas
Ready to relive the New Year’s Eve magic? Here’s the scoop on our neighborhood’s fabulous progressive party at 49A!
First stop: the warm and welcoming home of Kari and Brian Fogelman. Guests were treated to a delightful spread of stuffed mushrooms, grilled steak crostini, and deviled eggs. In addition to wine and bubbly, the special punch of the night featured bourbon, fresh cranberries, and muddled rosemary—an instant hit!
Next up, we strolled over to the elegant home of Michelle and Doug Hartmann. They wowed us with another handcrafted punch and an impressive selection of wines. The food didn’t disappoint either—salmon dip, gourmet antipasto skewers, a bounty of fresh fruits, and an irresistible dessert platter.
The grand finale? The festively decorated home of Bill and Robin Thomas. Bringing back the beloved after-party cravings from our youth, their breakfast-themed spread was a winner. Mimosas, screwdrivers, handheld egg casserole muffins, ham and cheese sliders, and Pop Tarts—all washed down with plenty of laughter and joy.
As the Times Square ball dropped, party blowers filled the air, and we cheered with gusto! Hours of chatting, eating, and drinking later, we finally called it a night, but not before creating some unforgettable memories.
In this reporter’s humble opinion, it was an amazing night for all!

Left to right: Marie Souza, Sharon Carpenter, Bill Carpenter, Larry Brunson, Nancy Brunson, Chuck Busker, and Barb Busker
Unit 49A Holiday Celebration
Robin Thomas
The close-knit members of Unit 49 gathered on Dec. 11, 2024, for a delightful social hour at Portofino, followed by a sumptuous dinner in the elegant Chianti Room. Nearly 50 attendees came together to enjoy the festivities. The evening’s charm was enhanced by the six meticulously handcrafted centerpieces adorning each table. These beautiful winter wonderland homes were skillfully created by the talented Judy DeGeorge, adding a touch of holiday magic to the event.
The event was organized by the dynamic social committee, whose hard work paid off, creating a memorable evening for all. The enthusiasm and spirited participation of the attendees made the occasion truly special, showcasing the strong sense of community within Unit 49. The event was an overwhelming success, leaving attendees looking forward to more such gatherings in the future.
Unit 51 Ladies’ Lunch
Pat Jensen
Seven ladies had an intimate and enjoyable lunch at the Vogue Bistro in Surprise. Sometimes smaller is better. (Photo by Pat Jensen)
Unit 51’s December Ladies’ Luncheon
Janet Miazga
Unit 51’s December Ladies’ Luncheon took 11 gals to Dillon’s KC Barbecue at Wildlife World Zoo. Watching the sea life in the aquarium while we chatted about our holiday plans was quite enjoyable, as well as seeing the flamingos outside after eating. Syd Hite was our host this month and besides planning a pleasant venue for our luncheon, she provided each of us with a decorative bag of holiday candy. We’re looking forward to all the luncheon gatherings in the coming year.
Unit 53 ROMEO Lunch at Westwind Tavern
The ROMEO crew of Unit 53 chose the new Westwind Tavern as their lunch spot for the first Friday of 2025. With playoff football on the horizon, there was plenty of important team observations and viewpoints to discuss. These guys never seem to lack for conversation and this monthly gathering on the first Friday of every month remains a popular activity. Any guy in Unit 53 is welcome. Just contact Ron Guerin.
Unit 53 ROMEO December Lunch
The ROMEO men of Unit 53 chose Red Allen’s Bar & Grill at the Wigwam Resort for their December lunch. Red Allen was the venerated head golf pro of Goodyear’s most famous resort for 42 years so the outdoor seating has a beautiful golf course view. The guys all enjoyed the food, fellowship, and fabulous temperatures this venue offers.
Unit 54 Cookies for Luke
Barb Dunson
The call for Christmas cookies for our Luke Air Force Base neighbors was sent out and received. And again the answer came from the generous and skilled bakers in Unit 54: Michelle Moskos and Steve Davies with spritz, Rob Rottman with ginger snaps, Cindy Klein with chocolate chip, Patty Klepinger with dozens of white chocolate–covered pretzels, Cindy Strong with chocolate crinkles, Pat Gray with pecan wedding cookies and butter cookies, Nancy Popenhagen and Beth Kelly with dozens of decorated sugar cookies, Julie Kemper and Barb Dunson with peanut butter kiss cookies, Mary Sabatello with cowboy cookies, plus two flavors of biscotti from Joette Lookabaugh. All these baking efforts came with a special wish for a peaceful, restful, and enjoyable holiday to our Luke AFB neighbors.
Unit 54 December Men’s Breakfast
Unit 54 Men’s Breakfast was held on Dec. 10. From left: Mike Strong, Richard Raugust, Harold Rathman, Fred Biancardi, Brad Gray, Steve Kunkle, Steve Lookabaugh, Clair Martin, Jack Klepinger, and Steve Domholt.
Unit 57 Guys Getaway
Rick Johnson
The Unit 57 “Guys Getaway” group gathered at the Harkins 16 theatre recently to view “A Complete Unknown,” a movie about the life and career of the iconic Bob Dylan. For us “older fellows” it was fun to re-experience the “coming of age” music and events of the ‘60s, memories of which may have been obscured by clouds of smoke from … well … substances. For the “youngsters” born much later, you folks missed a glorious decade! All in all a fun afternoon at the movie, followed by lunch at the Westwind Tavern. Members of the U-57 GG in attendance included: Todd Bowers (president elect), Mark Cromer (chairman of entertainment), Bruce Powell (head of IT—who also came down with the flu shortly thereafter. Thanks Bruce.), Dan Ryan (orthopedic consultant), John Barna (custodial), and Al Nokes (parliamentarian). Not pictured because he was in the men’s room was Rick Johnson (transportation coordinator). If you would like to join us for the next Guys Getaway adventure, please call or text Rick at 231-350-8867.
Unit 58 Celebrated the Holiday Season
Brenda Deckard
Unit 58 residents met at the lovely home of Pauline and Fred Toombs. Our unit has plenty of amazing chefs, so we all enjoyed the culinary delights brought by the residents to share. In addition, Santa made a secret stop with gifts for everyone who attended and we did a gift game where you picked a wrapped gift and the person with the last number got to exchange their gift for one that another person had already opened and hoped to keep! What a great evening we had as we celebrated the joy of the season.
Unit 60 Cookie Drive
Sherri Hille
Unit 60 delivered 244 dozen cookies for the annual PebbleCreek Luke Air Force Base cookie drive from 29 homes with our top bakers baking 34, 33, and 25 dozen cookies!
Unit 60 Holiday Dinner and Dance
Sherri Hille
The Unit 60 Christmas Dinner and Dance was held on Dec. 5, 2024. Dinner, a 50/50 raffle, and dancing were enjoyed! The raffle raised $385 for Valley View Community Food Bank.
Unit 60 Food Drive
Sherri Hille
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Unit’s Annual Fall Food Drive for Valley View Community Food Bank. We collected 1,023 pounds of food and $200 in cash donations from 45 homes in our Unit.
Unit 60 Decorated Golf Cart Parade
Sherri Hille
Holiday decorated golf carts competed in Unit 60 and at the PebbleCreek Golf Cart Parade. This year, in Unit 60, Donna Tessmer/Nathan Hale and Tasha Pasco/Richard Houldsworth tied for first place!

Those celebrating with Pat and pictured above are, from left to right, Marilyn Coates, Debbie Forte, Laurie Wyman, Toni Erickson, Stacey Carp, Barb Downey, Jackie Bachmann, Pat Gonzales (the birthday girl), Sheryl Lipp, Judy Meservey, Bonnie Springer, and Julie Greenbank.
Unit 62A November Ladies’ Lunch
Toni Erickson
On Nov. 14, 2024, the ladies of 62A enjoyed a delightful lunch at Reds, the Wigwam restaurant nearby. We sat on the patio, soaking in the perfect weather for the season. The occasion was even more special as we celebrated Pat Gonzales’s milestone birthday. A group of men, who had also been golfing and lunching, joined in serenading her with a cheerful rendition of “Happy Birthday.”
“Miracle of 34th Street” Enjoyed by Unit 62A
Toni Erickson
On the afternoon of Dec. 7, 2024, 19 members of Unit 62A attended a performance of Miracle on 34th Street: A Live Musical Radio Show at the Phoenix Theater Company. The show brought to life the iconic Christmas classic, an old man going by the name of Kris Kringle fills in for an intoxicated Santa in Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade and by now, you probably know how the story goes. After the performance, a majority of the group dined at Mancuso’s and a few ventured off to Forno 301. A heartfelt thank you goes to Patti Trapp for graciously ordering and distributing them to the neighbors who signed up for the event. Pictured at one of the tables were Gary and Janelle Watts, Julie Greenbank, and on the opposite side are Bruce and Lynn Banks.

Seated from left to right: Kim Ebert, Marilyn Coates, Nancy Nelson, Lynn Banks, Julie Greenbank, and Toni Erickson. Standing behind are from left to right: Barb Downey, Dale Scanlon, Janelle Watts, Jackie MacKenzie, Renee Fisher, hostess Joanne Wrout, Pat Pakin, Judy Meservey, Pat Gonzales, Laurie Wyman, Jackie Bachmann, Wendy Langhals, Paula Hupka, and Cathe Pruyn.
Unit 62A My Favorite Things
Toni Erickson
“My Favorite Things” evening was hosted by Joanne Wrout on Dec. 11 in her beautifully decorated home, festively adorned for Christmas. Guests each brought a favorite unwrapped gift valued at approximately $20 to exchange during a “spirited” game. Throughout the evening, gifts were “stolen” as part of the fun. Some of the popular items included bottle toppers, lotions, candles, wine, wine glasses, games, gift cards, a scarf, champagne, a small light-up church, an oversized decorative martini glass, and many other wonderful favorites too numerous to list.