Rick Savage and Bob Paine
Susan Knox Wilson
PebbleCreek neighbor Frank Datzer recently added an informative new episode about the upcoming transition to his ongoing series of videos that introduce topics of interest to the community. The 30-minute video featuring Rick Savage, co-lead of the Transition Advisory Group (the “TAG”), and Bob Paine, past HOA board president, looks at the upcoming transition of our homeowners association from developer to homeowner control and what it means for the community.
A link to the video can be found on the PebbleCreek HOA website: pebblecreekhoa.org under the Communications >Videos tab.
In April 2021, the Board of Directors assembled the TAG to identify and analyze what will be necessary for a successful transition from Developer control. The TAG is tasked with putting together a plan with action items and timing, and to prepare a plan for the transition which is anticipated to take place in January 2027.
In addition to being one of our neighbors, Frank Datzer is a veteran cinematographer, videographer, director of photography, and editor with over 25 years experience, including shooting feature length films, music, videos, television, commercials, corporate image pieces, and live events.