Tuscany Falls library book donations

Susan Kice

On behalf of all the volunteers who work at the Tuscany Falls Library we thank you for your donations of books and puzzles; however, we are currently being inundated with donated books with nowhere to put them. Our shelves are bursting at the seams so we respectfully request that you be more discerning when you consider making donations. Think about what your fellow PebbleCreekers (retirees) might be interested in—best-sellers, popular authors, etc. Consequently, we need to restrict donations to only newer books—for hard-back fiction a copyright date of 2006 or newer; for paperback fiction a copyright date of 2009 or newer—since they tend to deteriorate quicker. We do accept a limited number of non-fiction books following similar guidelines as mentioned above. We are not into creating new businesses or leadership studies; likewise cookbooks, diet books, self-improvement books, etc., are rarely ever checked out and local recipients of our donated books are not interested in them either. We also don’t want your college textbooks from many years ago. Perhaps an email offering such special-interest books to the community at no cost would insure that they would go to someone with an interest in that particular subject. To give you an idea how these unacceptable donations increase the work load of your volunteers, just last week our coordinator took 12 grocery bags full of books to Goodwill and over 75 books to local libraries. And that was just for one week!

As always we appreciate your continued patronage. Thank you.