Transition Advisory Group Reports to the Community

Susan Knox Wilson

Cathy Lindstrom, chair of the Transition Advisory Group (TAG), delivered the group’s first report to the community at the PebbleCreek Homeowners Association (HOA) April meeting. The report briefly highlighted the work of the various group subcommittees and their progress to date. The complete report can be found on the TAG webpage, on the HOA website, at

As previously announced, the HOA board assembled the TAG to identify and analyze what will be necessary for a successful transition from Developer control. The TAG has been tasked with developing a sequence of events that need to occur to complete the transition, and create a timeline for them regardless of the actual timing of the transition.

“If home sales continue at the present pace, we may be sold out in the next few years,” noted board member Bob Paine. “Therefore, we have already begun to think about our transition in the future, starting with all the questions that need to be addressed and an assessment of what is needed in order to run the community. Our HOA is a business and functions like a small city, with ultimately over 6,100 homes and some 10,000 residents—so there is a lot to consider in making a transition successful.”