Members of the Thunderbirds team which captured the championship of the Spring Night League are (left to right): Lloyd Smith, Ardys Smith, Amy Potapoff, Alex Potapoff; not pictured are Mike Coombs and Beverly Loding.

Members of the United 40 team which won the championship of the Spring Day League are (left to right), back row: Bill Gavin, Chris Mucha, Gerald Oakes, Tony Monzo; front row presenting the award: Cheryl Kasselmann and Carol Gwilt; not pictured are Jeff Young and Dan Zeh
Pat Milich
Congratulations to the Thunderbirds who won the Night League Championship and United 40 who captured the Day League Championship in the PebbleCreek Bocce Association’s 2017 Spring Season.
Statistician Carol Gwilt has announced the following Spring League final standings:
Tuesday Night League: 1st Place Thunderbirds; 2nd Place Hare & Hounds; 3rd Place Bocce Knights. Wednesday Day League: 1st Place United 40; 2nd Place Bada Bing; 3rd Place Thunderbirds. Thursday Night League: 1st Place Welcome Back Tricia; 2nd Place Forgetaboutit; 3rd Place Botched Balls. Friday Day League: 1st Place Hare & Hounds; 2nd Place Rolling Thunder; 3rd Place Bocce Novas.
Important Reminder: Popularity of Bocce in PebbleCreek continues to grow. Bocce Association Treasurer Mollie McErlean reports 30 teams have already signed up for the fall 2017 season and it is important that registrations be turned in to her as soon as possible. Early registration forms may be turned in to Mollie until September 3. She can be contacted at 623-935-2822 or at [email protected]. Registration fee is $20 per league per year. The $20 covers the fall, winter and spring seasons.
Final registrations will be accepted on September 5 and 6 from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at the kiosk in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Registration ends on September 6. Teams playing in the night leagues should submit their registration forms as soon as possible because there are only 16 spots available for each night league due to HOA regulations that require lights to be out at the complex by 10:00 p.m. Registration for the night league is on a first-come first-served basis.