The Women’s Giving Circle 2023-24 Board of Directors, back row: Mary Wiese, Susan Fallon, and Dana West; center row: Ruth Shaffer, Jill Burnham, and Willa Kravitz; front row: Sherry Trefz and Sydney Nations; not pictured: JoAnn Fioretti, Mary Flynn, and Maureen McCann
Dana West
The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) is gearing up for another busy year of service to various West Valley organizations and sharing camaraderie with fellow devoted PebbleCreekers.
Please help kick off TWGC’s 2023-24 season by joining us for our Annual Fall Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 28 in the Chianti Room, Tuscany Falls Clubhouse, at 4:30 p.m. New and returning members are invited to attend and bring $20 to pay this year’s club dues. The meeting’s agenda will include speakers Teri Sellers with the PC Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, and Kathy Cheek, who will give a short demonstration on making mats for the homeless, as well as details about TWGC’s upcoming events:
* Saturday, Oct. 14: TWGC’s Team to participate in the West Valley Alzheimer’s Walk held at Glendale Heroes Park
* Thursday, Oct. 26: Member Happy Hour
* Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024: Date with a Plate
Meeting attendees are asked to bring donation items for Agua Fria Food & Clothing Bank. They are currently in desperate need of the following items:
* Diapers (size 3, 4, 5)
* Baby diaper wipes
* Laundry detergent (preferably in pods)
* Shampoo (children and adults)
Additionally, members are encouraged to RSVP to the meeting through TWGC’s member communication tool (Team Cowboy), as well as checking out additional volunteer opportunities.
If you are interested in enriching your life, as well as the lives of others, please contact Willa Kravitz at [email protected] for more information regarding The Women’s Giving Circle.
Being a member of The Women’s Giving Circle enables you to be a part of a caring group of women who contribute interest, time, talent, and dedication to giving back to the community where we live.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has…“—Margaret Mead