The Ugly Fabric Quilt Challenge

PebbleCreek quilters showing the “ugly fabric” charity quilt that was donated to a nonprofit organization. Marka Locker, left, and Carol Moonan, fourth from left.

Cynthia Schwartz

Marka Locker and Carol Moonan, members of PebbleCreek Quilters  (PCQ) Club, presented a challenge to the club’s membership. Members were given a piece of “ugly fabric” and asked to create a 12.5 block that incorporated the “ugly fabric” along with fabrics of their choice. Using their design, sewing, and creative skills, members submitted more than enough blocks to make a twin size quilt.

Marka and Carol solicited the help from new members to assemble the blocks into a quilt. The quilt was donated to one of the nonprofit organizations that PCQ supports. Marka commented, “It takes a village to create a charity quilt.” We thank Marka, Carol, and members of PCQ for creating an “ugly fabric but beautiful quilt.” Can you figure out what fabric was the “ugly fabric” in the quilt?