The Garden Club of PebbleCreek
Cindi Sokoloff
The Garden Club of PebbleCreek held its first year-end party at the home of our president on Tuesday, April 12. More than 35 active members were in attendance to enjoy the scrumptious potluck luncheon. We can honestly say that we have some of the most fantastic cooks in our club and admit that it is the best-kept secret in PebbleCreek. Yummy!
While members enjoyed spending time getting to know one another better, others were touring through the property where a full spring vegetable garden was in full array! Roses, plumeria, mango, guava, fig, and pomegranate trees were in abundance and thriving. Cacti and succulents were also promoting their beauty.
“It’s hard to believe that in all the years since the building of PebbleCreek, no one had started a garden club!” exclaimed Cindi Sokoloff. “I knew it would be challenging, but not impossible. As a Master Gardener here in Arizona,” states Cindi, “I was eager to meet others who were also being challenged by the Arizona desert, but had thriving gardens and could add their expertise as well.”
This year, the Garden Club of PebbleCreek has enjoyed lectures by professional garden experts and enjoyed trips to the Botanical Gardens and nurseries in the area. Members come from different states, where gardening was not as challenging as Arizona. Sometimes, all you had to do was “Put the plant in the ground and walk away,” states Bonnie Putney from Washington. “It is certainly different here in Arizona,” claims Rochelle Zuckerbrow. However, it is not impossible! Won’t you come join us?
Our group is open to anyone from novice to Master Gardeners. If you are willing to learn and be open to gardening, while helping others by providing your own personal knowledge of your successes and failures, we would love to have you!
The club meets every second Tuesday of each month from October through April at the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room from 1 to 2:30 p.m.