Cindy Sota was named best individual costume winner.
Carole Schumacher
A long time ago (through a black hole!) in a galaxy far, far away … the three-year wait for the much anticipated 25th Annual PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament, arrived in this galaxy with 252 participants in Golf Wars, May the Course Be With You from April 3-5, 2022.
The tournament format on Monday and Tuesday included a Shamble on Tuscany Falls West, and 2-best ball (gross and net) play on Tuscany Falls East. Three places were paid in each flight for low gross and low net with 1st place receiving $220 per person, 2nd place $175, and 3rd place $150, respectively. Tiebreakers were determined based on the teams’ lowest score on day 2 of the tournament. The winners were:
Flight 1—Yoda: Jennifer Dilger/Katelin Dilger, Sharon Hadley, and Sarah Marsh, 1st gross; Lynda Bronzetti, Teresa Christianson, Kathleen Houser, and Kylie Perlinsky, 2nd gross; Molly Baker, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Paula Lambkin, and Barbara Patrow, 3rd gross; Rebecca Maier, Elaine Reszke, Susan Slaughter, and Cindy Sota, 1st net; Carol Dick, Gina Odom, Linda Pearson, and Tammy West, 2nd net; and Susie Forrest, Denise Johnson, Laura Jones, and Joanne Pollock, 3rd net.
Flight 2—Darth Vader: Chris Cook, Elizabeth Keeler, Jean Ostroga, and Megan Reeves, 1st gross; Kittie Day, Paulette Smith, Claudia Tiger, and Rosanne Wasilchuk, 2nd gross; Jill Caplener, Kathi Curtis, Sharma Fleming, and Daneen Karch, 3rd gross; Michelle Cattin, Tracy Kimball, Shelley Lerhrkind, and Sandra Nielson, 1st net; Mary Falso, Cathy Loman, Gail Sarro, and Lee Ann Stender, 2nd net; and Paula Fix, Susan Fix, Amber Rivera, and Lynda White, 3rd net.
Flight 3—Droids: Tesha Crelley, Pam Lake, Wendy Turriff, and Christine Urbatchka, 1st gross; Carolyn Apodaca, Sue Cooper, Jackie Goupil, and Kathy Printz, 2nd gross; Barb Bohnart, Mary Pat Burson, Trudy Knotek, and Jeraldine Rettman, 3rd gross; Monica Bury, Terri Coats, Judy Garcia, and Grace Rottinghaus, 1st net; Judy Newell, Mary Pryor, Becky Rio, and Glenna Ververs, 2nd net; and Mary Bergman, Jenna Ridgeway, Barbara Rossi, and Lorraine Smith, 3rd net.
Flight 4—Luke Skywalker: Tamara Beckley, Dana Becraft, Sandy Loe, and Donna Staples, 1st gross; Ann Cousminer, Jeanne Dailey Corn, Suzi Heap, and Julie Heckman, 2nd gross; Barb Economou, Carmen Eriksen, Marty Kirkman, and Peggy Steffan, 3rd gross; Jana Coulbourne, Charmon Hansen, Linda Lee Mirro, and Carol Peterson, 1st net; Jan Udell, Laura Ebel, Liz Wenzler, and Joann West, 2nd net; and Kathy Perkins, Carole Schumacher, Renee Shellhorse, and Laura Wilson, 3rd net.
Flight 5—Princess Leia Organa: Jo Jo Edmonds, Barbara Thomas, Carolyn Suttles, and Carole Mathias, 1st gross; Shelly Lewis, Lea Morse, Ruth Orem, and Deb Smedley, 2rd gross; Jane Hee, Emma Mosley, Terri Sligh, and Sharon Wilson, 3rd gross; Marsha Conrad, Amy Flinn, Diana Hull, and Sharon Johnson, 1st net; Ada Davison, Carol Sanders, Cheryl Szukalski, and Linda Thompson, 2nd net; and Kathy Donaldson, Gail Jones, Barbara Stampke, and Betty Wring, 3rd net.
Flight 6—Han Solo: Judy Brown, Barbara Chilton, Sandy Kelley, and Wendi Woodard, 1st gross; Bobbie Johnson, JoAnn Ropel, Suzan Simons, and Sue White, 2nd gross; Jeannie Alvarez, Carol Eberhart, Carol Lang, and Vicki McLaughlin, 3rd gross; Jeanine Calabrese, Lynn Grice, Gayle Hubbard, and Gloria Rogers, 1st net; Cheryl Czarnek, Jayne Dinan, Kathy McGarry, and Mary Petersen, 2nd net; and Maureen Nutter, Karen Stadjuhar, Cindy Tollefson, and Judy Worrell, 3rd net.
Following opening ceremonies on Sunday, plenty of photos were snapped prior to dinner and a Galaxy Fashion Show, where the best costume team winners were Cheryl Czarnek, Jayne Dinan, Kathy McGarry, and Mary Peterson. The best individual costume went to Cindy Sota, and the best golf cart was Pam Volm’s spaceship.
Congratulations to the winners! Members can view photos on the PCLGA website.
Special thanks for organizing a terrific event go to the tournament co-chairs, Jenna Ridgeway and Barbara Rossi, for sticking with this tournament for three years through all the ups and downs of the pandemic. After being forced to cancel the 2020 event just a few weeks prior to the event due to COVID, they stuck with it and arranged and rearranged everything over and over to make this event a Member/Guest Tournament never to be forgotten.
Final thanks to the tournament committee, who made this event the best ever: Tess Braden, Sharon Hadley, Amber Rivera, Marilyn Augusta, Linda Sweet, Jean Ostroga, Kathi Curtis, Karen Stadjuhar, Laura Ebel, Joanne Pollack, Judy Hauser, Trish Watkins, Deni Byrne, Peggy Steffan, Jeannie Alvarez, Jackie Goupil, Lisa Reichert, Vicki Ray, Bob Newell, and Carolyn Suttles.