Thanksgiving Holiday HOA Hours

Susan Knox Wilson

Here are HOA office and facility hours for the Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 23 and 24:

Activities Office, Administration, Architectural and Landscape Committee Office, and Resident and Guest Services

* Closed

Patrol Office is closed, but regular patrol operations remain.

Creative Arts Center

* Wednesday, Nov. 22 closed at noon

* Closed Thursday, Nov. 23

* Open Friday, Nov. 24

Food and Beverage

* Eagle’s Nest will offer a Thanksgiving dining option

Hours and details are not available at time of publication. Contact Eagle’s Nest restaurant for details or visit the HOA website.

* Ed’s Dogs and Portofino’s closed Thursday, Nov. 23

* Regular business hours Friday, Nov. 24


* Tuscany Falls (TF) and Eagle’s Nest (EN) golf shops close at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 23

Recreation and Fitness

* Thursday, Nov. 23: TF Studios are closed. No classes. TF and EN Fitness Centers close at noon.

* Friday, Nov. 24: TF Studios are closed. No classes. Normal hours at TF and EN Fitness Centers.

* Saturday, Nov. 25: TF Studios are closed. No classes. Normal hours at TF and EN Fitness Centers.

* The pools will be open during their normal hours.

* Thursday, Nov.16 through Sunday, Dec 3: At EN and TF, children under the age of 7 years may join older children in the main pools during normal children’s hours (Must be toilet trained. No swim diapers allowed in the main pools).

We wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving.