Member-Member winners flights five through eight, left to right: Robert Stofac, Rodney Oonk, Jim Sheard, Rich Hauser, Doug Goodin, Jerry Monk and Charlie Kice; not pictured, Robert White

Member-Member winners flights one through four, left to right: Randy Plymell, Dan Anderson, Robert Richards, George Clark, John Krasnan, Marc Goldberg and Norm Munger; not pictured, Nick Castiglione
Howie Tiger
Weather played a key role in the outcome of this year’s PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association Member-Member Golf Championship. Unlike last year when foul weather forced a change in format for the final round, this year we had beautiful sunny skies that encouraged super low scores. The annual event was played over three days, March 9, 10 and 17 utilizing both Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls Courses.
A total of 114 two-man teams competed in eight flights. Flights 1 through 4 played the Eagle’s Nest/Tuscany Falls/Eagle’s Nest rotation. Flights 5 through 8 played the Tuscany Falls/Eagle’s Nest/Tuscany Falls rotation. A scramble was the format for round one. One best-ball net was the format for round two. Two net-aggregate was the format for the third round.
A delicious lunch was served in the Tuscany Ballroom after play on the final day. The annual PCMGA member meeting was then held to discuss pending issues. Officers for the 2016-2017 season were elected. Congratulations to Jerry Monk (president), Bud Held (vice president), Mike Der Manual (secretary) and John Stergulz (treasurer). They take office on June 1.
Tournament Winners
First Flight
1st place Marc Goldberg and John Krasnan; 2nd place Brian Maine and Howie Tiger; 3rd place Wayne Fleming and Mike Romano
Second Flight
1st place George Clark and Robert Richards; 2nd place Gregg Clymer and Jim Wolff; 3rd place Gene Bruening and Duane Hagstrom
Third Flight
1st place Dan Anderson and Randolph Plymell; 2nd place John Abercrombie and Ken Sisemore; 3rd place Bart Cook and Dave Willison
Fourth Flight
1st place Nick Castiglione and Norman Munger; 2nd place Ed Bowen and Derry Davison; 3rd place Jerry Laatsch and Bob Schimelpfening
Fifth Flight
1st place Rodney Oonk and Jim Sheard; 2nd place Glen Breen and Kirk Harrison; 3rd place Lloyd Chilton and Arnold Lawrence
Sixth Flight
1st place Charlie Kice and Jerry Monk; 2nd place Mike D’Onofrio and Paul Parker; 3rd place John Angus and Monte Williams
Seventh Flight
1st place Doug Goodin and Rich Hauser; 2nd place Gerald Kurtz and Bill Schaffer; 3rd place John Pugsley and Deral Sax
Eighth Flight
1st place Robert Stofac and Robert White; 2nd place Angelo Fergione and Terry Johnson; 3rd place Stan Lockitski and Dennis Thelen
Congrats to all those that cashed. Thanks to the Food and Beverage staff for providing a great meal. Thanks to Paul McGinnis and the grounds crew. Special thanks to Jason Whitehill, Ronnie Decker and Dave Vader, our golf professional staff.