Tennis Memories by Incognito Octogenarians

Donna Gillen

Last month we named many of our seasoned tennis players in PebbleCreek (PC). This month we will highlight those still actively playing, but would like to add their memories and words of wisdom to those who still have the courage and drive to keep active here in our community, but not share their names. The recurring comments are they play for fun, the friendships they have made on the courts, and how these friends have enriched their lives.

Below are their comments (paraphrased):

“I started playing about 45 years ago, and I played on multiple competitive teams. One of my favorite memories is competing in the Senior Olympics at Stanford University. What became very special was meeting my future husband there, and he proposed to me on the court!”

A power couple responded that even though they are in their 80s they still love the game. The wife did not start playing until she retired at 70 years old. During her first game, she broke her leg. She has never played competitively but enjoys going to Ladies Drop-In Tennis. The husband started playing at 40. At the time, he could only play in the evening. Once moving here, he was able to play more often. They both love playing in the tournaments and at drop-in. When vacationing, they bring their rackets to play in all the beautiful resorts. Sadly, they feel their days are coming to a close on the tennis courts.

Another respondent indicated that he started playing in his 30s, but took a break to pursue martial arts in his 50s. He started up tennis again at 83. He reflected on a favorite tennis memory at a country club championship back in the day. He conveyed: “I love tennis and wish I could play every day.”

A very dear and lovely lady shared this: “I started playing tennis when I had two kids; another mom and I realized we could play at the park while our kids were enjoying the playground. We had a blast! We were not that good, but as my son reflected last year, he thought we were awesome; it gave me a laugh. Before moving to PC 20 years ago, I was a runner and even competed in the Boston Marathon. Running is just putting one foot in front of another—not like tennis at all. I have many fun memories, and tennis always brings a smile to my face. Sometimes I think I should be in a rocking chair instead of on the courts, but playing with my friends keeps me coming back!”

A Stingers player reflected on her days as a younger, more active player. “Back in the day, we would go to SaddleBrooke and Sun Lakes to play. After home games we would have lunch at Eagle’s Nest. She enjoyed playing internationally while living in Venezuela, and currently plays in Calgary at an indoor facility. She and her husband moved to PC because of the strong tennis program. She misses being able to play tennis as much as she did in the past, but loves the friendliness here in PC.

No matter what you actively do here in PC, it can bring a smile to your face and promote good friendships that last.