Tag: tennis

Bradshaw Open Tennis – The biggest tournament in Sun Lakes – Open to all Robson Communities

Lots of planning goes into the Bradshaw Tournament. Shown holding the banner are Len Vogelaar, Jerry Higgins, Judy Grefsheim, Al Wagner (past co-chairman), Linda Vogelaar, and CTC President Mary Ann Rice.

Penny Petersen The Bradshaw Tennis Tournament, sponsored by Cottonwood Tennis Club, will take place Monday, Nov. 11 through Saturday, Nov. 16. The Bradshaw is the largest and most exciting tournament of the year for both participants and spectators. Entry is open to all Robson Communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts are used for the…

Tennis Player of the Month, Aquine “Ackie” Jackson

Aquine “Ackie” Jackson competing in track at the University of Wisconsin.

Dennis Whitley If you’ve ever played any tennis here at PebbleCreek, you had to have played with Ackie Jackson. Whether it’s drop-in tennis, Tuesday night tennis—TNT (mixed doubles), Monday-Wednesday-Friday morning or evening resident tennis groups, amigos, men’s 3.0 tennis team, or monthly tennis socials, Ackie does them all! With all of this tennis, you might…

A sport for a lifetime—learn to play tennis

Norma Whitley Have you ever considered learning how to play tennis, or has it been quite some time since you’ve played and would like to play again? The PebbleCreek Tennis Club will be offering beginner tennis lessons on Mondays at 11:30 a.m. instructed by a certified tennis professional. The class will be limited to six…

PebbleCreek Tennis Club news and notes

Members of the PebbleCreek Stingers Tennis Team enjoy a summer lunch at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse dining room. From left to right: Myrna Speckhard, Rena Chouinard, Dottie Kiley (captain), Karen Lodico (co-captain), Bert Miller, Jean Bee, and Jo Terry.

Norma Whitley The summer months are almost past, bringing on autumn with lots of action on the tennis courts. Many of the tennis players have continued play during the hot summer months, and also took time to socialize at the PebbleCreek restaurants. The Tennis Club monthly meeting will be held in the Tuscany Falls tennis…

In-Sync Tennis Team

Team members include Cooky O’Brien, Joan Patchin, Diane Bostock (team captain), Kay Skripka, Lorinne Banister, Pat Owens (co-captain), Shelley Bain, Roxie Forrest, Pat Ingalls, and Pam DeRouin; not shown: Lauren Leonard and Joan Stedman.

Norma Whitley The In-Sync Women’s Tennis Team completed a successful 2018-19 season in the West Valley Women’s Tennis League. Teams in this league play other community teams in the West Valley during the fall through spring season. If you would like further information about the PebbleCreek Tennis Club or tennis league play, please contact the…

Tennis player of the month: Jo Werner

Jo Werner

Dennis Whitley So, you love to play tennis. Would you teach yourself to play left-handed if you injured your right hand? Well, that is what Jo Werner did when faced with a wrist injury that threatened her playing tennis again. That’s love of the game. Jo was introduced to tennis by her dad while in…

PC Men’s 3.0 tennis team

Norma Whitley As part of the West Valley Men’s Tennis League, the PebbleCreek Men’s 3.0 tennis team, sponsored by Ed Elliott, enjoyed a successful 2018-19 season. Front row: Drew Smith, Dave Welsh, Randy Welsh and Dennis Daniels. Back row: Steve Farley, John Russell, Dennis Whitley, Aqui Jackson and Doug Stansfield.

WITL – Road Runners complete successful season

Left to right: Linda Post, Sally Ward, Norma Whitley, Anna Jarvis, Jan Frens, Kathleen Tyryfter, Mary Zanella, Jo Terry, Jean Bee, Sue Corsentino, Barbie Hecht, Shelley Bain, Pam Wallace, Vicki Shaner, Jo Werner, Donna Armbruster and Karen Ludwig. Not shown: Judy Gaines.

The PebbleCreek Road Runners Tennis Team successfully completed another year in the WITL (Women’s Interclub Tennis League). We celebrated at the end of a very long season at the home of Karen Ludwig. Our hostesses, Barbie Heck and Karen Ludwig, put on a great lunch for all! We had a great year! Our team competes…

PC Ace Girls 3.0 tennis team

Norma Whitley The PebbleCreek Ace Girls 3.0 tennis team completed another enjoyable 2018-19 season as part of the West Valley Women’s Tennis League. Members of the team include from left to right: Vanette Pinto, Susie Anderson, Alfreda Miles, Maggie Eggleston (co-captain), Karen Colbert, Rana Cukierski (captain), Carole Mathias, Linda Elliott, Shelly Gallagher, Carolyn Curley and…

PebbleCreek Tennis Club news

Len Seif, John Spencer, Ted Wallace and Howie Locker.

Norma Whitley It’s summer and the hot weather is upon us; however, this does not hinder the year-round resident tennis players from enjoying time on the tennis courts. In the cooler hours of the morning, the tennis courts are busy with residents enjoying the sport for a lifetime. If you are considering learning how to…