Tag: photography

Taking better pictures

Automatic typically works well; Scenes may work even better.

Bill Raymond By now most people have made the change to digital cameras. Digital technology has made it relatively easy for manufacturers to include sophisticated capability in even the most basic equipment. To make them easier to use, manufacturers provide an Automatic function (Auto) to make it easy to take good pictures without technical knowledge.…

Taking better pictures

The impact of afternoon lighting

Bill Raymond My wife and I take lots of pictures when we are on vacation. One of the major reasons for this is to preserve the memory of some of the beautiful places we visit. Sometimes two weeks after we return we have a hard time remembering the details of where we’ve been. We also…

Photography classes offered by Snapshot Sandy

Sherri Heitz Sandy Horvath and his wife are building a Villa in PebbleCreek and should be moved in by October 2015. Sandy is a Professional Photographer/Teacher and has been teaching professionally since 2009 where he started teaching at his local Parks District in Washington. Since retiring, he has turned his photography hobby into a profession…

What’s wrong with this picture?

Have you enjoyed taking pictures, but sometimes found yourself frustrated with the results? You may have checked out sites like www.olgatopchii.com and been inspired by the photos that photographers have taken. But when it comes to what you create, somehow the lighting was wrong, the composition was off, the picture was out of focus or…