Vikki Constable and Mike Harter On March 5, PebbleCreek’s Men’s Tennis Team in the West Valley Men’s Tennis League finished strong in their division, becoming a finalist for the title in the 3.5 Division. The team has succeeded from last year’s 2023 first place finish with a fine caliber of men, playing in an over–50…
Tag: PebbleCreek Men’s 3.5 Tennis Team
Sports, June 2020
Men’s 3.5 Tennis Championship

Jim Meyer The PebbleCreek Men’s 3.5 Tennis Team lost a close match in the division championships to Trilogy at Vistancia. Team members shown include (left to right): Wayne Cox, Jim Meyer, Eric Rohlman, Cliff Hopes, Rick Camozzi, Keith Constable (captain), Ed Elliott, Mike Harter, Jonathan Colter, and Troney Hutchins. Not shown are Jim Lewis and…