PCM9GA January Scoreboard

Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) rang in the new year with a couple of tournaments. A shamble was played on the Tuscany West course and a Three Low Net Tournament was played on Eagle’s Nest. Results: Team Shamble Alpha Flight 1st: Bjarne Kaer, Chuck Busker, Steve Shaver, John Peehl 2nd: Mark Eichkorn,…

PCM9GA Scoreboard

Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) closed out the 2021 season with a bang. The Niners had their AZ Shuffle Tournament, Holiday Tournament, and holiday banquet. The holiday banquet was held at the Tuscany Ballroom with music (and dancing) provided by Rhythm Edition. AZ Shuffle Winners Flight 1 1st: Steve Rottger, Robert…

PCM9GA August and September Tournament Results

Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) completed the summer season with two September tournament competitions, a 2 Low Net Even Holes and 3 Low Net Odd Holes Tournament and a 2 Low Net Tournament, and then cruised into fall with regular stroke play. August Results Goofy Golf Tournament Results (players limited to bringing four clubs):…

PCM9GA’s Goofy Golf Tournament Highlights

Mark Eichkorn The PebbleCreek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Association continued 7 a.m. shotgun starts to beat the summer heat. July golf included regular stroke play with weekly prizes for closest to the pin and long putt. This month, we spotlight two of our volunteers for their service: Bill Lansing, board member (director of golf operations), and…

PCM9GA May Results

Mark Eichkorn As warmer weather arrived, the 9 Holers moved to morning tee times for those braving the summer Arizona temperatures. This month’s team events included the four man scramble and the four man best ball cha cha cha tournament. Individual competition included low gross and low net, in addition to weekly closest to the…

PCM9GA April Recap

Sam Ellis, Bob Gunn, and Michael Bunn get ready to tee it off at the 2 Low Net Tourney.

Mark Eichkorn April provided the 9 Holers with another beautiful month to tee it off and compete. The group had several fun team events. First, the 2/3/4 Team Tourney. This consisted of the two low nets scores on the first hole, three low nets scores on hole two, four low nets on hole three, repeating for…

PCM9GA March

Bill Lansing, PCM9GA director of golf operations, presents the 2021 Men’s 9 Holers Low Gross Champion plaque to Fred Schmidt with Tuscany pro David Vader

Mark Eichkorn The Nine Holers held their club championship in March. The two-day event was held March 24 and 25, with 96 golfers competing. The low gross champion was Fred Schmidt with scores of 39 and 37. The low net champion was Russ Georgesen with a net score of 33 and 35. The event is…

PCM9GA February Recap

2021 PCM9GA board: This month the board recognized Ray Clements, past president (2014 to 2016 and 2018 to 2020) and David Eckert, previous director of golf operations and board member (2010 to present). Ray and David were presented plaques, by Trevor Ballinger, for their exceptional service and management. The organization would not exist without the dedication from individuals like Ray and David.

Mark Eichkorn The Men’s 9 Holers board has set a fun, yet competitive, schedule for the 2021 season. This year’s board members are Trevor Ballinger, president; Chris Mucha, vice president; Bill Lansing, director golf operations; Bruce Hulbert, treasurer; Louis Beaulieu, secretary; officers at large: David Eckert, Alan Hatfield, Rob Risden; Kerry Walsh, webmaster; Ray Clements,…

PCM9GA Golfers Begin the New Year With Optimism

Chris Mucha PCM9GA golfers began the new calendar year with optimism as they hit the links to show off their holiday golf gifts and a fresh start to fun! Weekly specials have replaced closest to the pin contests during the pandemic to avoid close personal contact, adding variety to special dollar payouts for Niner skills.…