PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

Co-chairs for Hello Hollywood — Kathy Doerwald and Connie Peterson

Pat Kaer Memory Matters The annual charity tournament was held on January 17 at the Tuscany Falls Golf Course. The tournament was planned by Kathy Dolan and Mary Lacy. This year’s theme was Memory Matters which supports Alzheimer’s Research. Members donated to Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest in honor of a loved one or friend. A…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

First place team at Falcon Dunes Golf Course: Bobbie Wagner, Janet Jeans, Carol Hahn and Carol Schumacher

Pat Kaer Away Play On October 11 the Lady Niners celebrated golf, good food and the sound of freedom at Luke Air Force Base. There was a nine-hole shotgun tournament at Falcon Dunes Golf Course followed by a turkey croissant lunch. The first place team was Bobbie Wagner, Janet Jeans, Carol Hahn and Carol Schumacher.…

PCMGA hosts 6th annual Summer Survivors Tournament

Erv Stein With prevailing outstanding early fall weather conditions on the morning of September 28, a total of 112 highly charged and enthusiastic golfers from our PCMGA, PCM9GA, PCLGA and PCL9GA sanctioned golf groups participated in the highly anticipated sixth annual Summer Survivor Tournament. In recent years we have experienced a favorable increase in the…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

Par Tee Falls First Place, left to right: Dan and Pam Grimwood and Marlene and Jim Calder

Suzanne Butler The PebbleCreek Men and Lady Niners enjoyed their annual Mixer on April 14. This year’s event was hosted by the PC Men’s Nine-Hole league and the guys did a great job in organizing the event and making sure the weather was perfect! Players were paired up with both men and ladies on each…

PCM9GA/PCL9GA conducts 8th Annual Mixer Tournament

All Winning Team Members - PCM9GA/PCL9GA eighth annual Mixer Tournament

Erv Stein On April 14, our two PebbleCreek sanctioned nine-hole golf groups, the PCM9GA and PCL9GA, once again closely cooperated and the result was an outstanding eighth annual Mixer Tournament. A total of 140 most enthusiastic golfing participants, organized in 35 foursome teams, teed off in the familiar Scramble format utilizing our Falls, Lakes and…

Lady Niner news

Left to right: Pat Kaer, Anna Schuchman, Tina Stepzinski, Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy (not pictured Diana Martell

Suzanne Butler The PebbleCreek Lady Nine Hole Golf Association will have three teams competing in the upcoming AWGA 2015 Nine Hole State Medallion Championship Tournament to be held at PebbleCreek on January 17. The teams will consist of Tina Stepzinski and Lynn Havens, Sharon Adamy and Diana Martell and Anna Schuchman and Pat Kaer. The…

PCM9GA 5th Annual Summer Survivor Tournament

Summer Survivor First Place, Closest-to-the-Pin and Putting Contest Winners, row one, left to right: Mike Park, George Marlow, Jane Richards, Parry Green, Patti Halbmaier, Lorna Lincoln, Mary Neeley; row two: Mike D’Onofrio, Jeff Horan, Robert Newell, Carolyn Suttles, Jim Halbmaier, Bob Caldwell, Vicky Ray, Larry Haiflich, Lou Cerri; not in photo, John Stergulz, Pat Hallacy

Erv Stein On the pleasant morning of Wednesday, September 30 a total of 140 highly charged golfers from all four of our PebbleCreek sanctioned golf clubs, the PCM9GA, PCL9GA, PCLGA and PCMGA, teed off utilizing both the Tuscany Lakes and Falls Courses. This extraordinarily successful fifth annual Summer Survivor Tournament, hosted by the PCM9GA, utilized…