PebbleCreek HOA Budget Summary – July YTD

The July budget financials reflect the continued strong performance for the year. The July YTD revenue is 3.8% favorable to budget with all departments continuing to exceed their revenue targets. Continued support of the Food & Beverage, Golf and Activities amenities by the PebbleCreek homeowners has been a significant factor to the positive results. July…

Reserve study contract awarded

Susan Knox Wilson Criterium Engineers have been awarded the contract to evaluate the PebbleCreek Reserve Fund. Criterium was one of thirteen reserve fund specialists to submit a proposal and was awarded the contract based on their experience with communities similar to PebbleCreek, the qualifications of the personnel assigned to the reserve study, their ability to…

Winter hours begin for HOA facilities

Pat Ingalls The following PebbleCreek HOA facilities change to winter operating hours, which remain in effect through late spring 2017. All other offices and facilities maintain constant hours year-round, which are posted on the HOA website at pebblecreekhoa.org. Creative Arts Center: Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Effective Saturday, October 1 Gate Entry…

Homeowners with party walls – take note

Susan Knox Wilson All homeowners with a party wall* bordering a common area take note: If your landscaping causes damage to the party wall, you are responsible for some or all the costs of the repair. “Our Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) make the policy clear,” said Bill Halte, Vice Chairman and Manager of the…

Monsoon brings damaging winds

Left to right: HOA Vice President Gregg Clymer, Director of Common Area Landscaping Ron Sawyer and General Manager Bill Barnard

Gregg Clymer The first major monsoon storm of the summer came with full force on July 29. Some of the winds came in a straight line; some came in a swirling manner. Each damaged trees as they came through PebbleCreek. Some of you may have lost some limbs or even a tree in your yard.…

Board candidate profile

My name is Ed Stadjuhar. My wife, Karen, and I have been residents of PebbleCreek since 2005. Both of us are active in golf. Karen plays with the PCWGA and I play with the PCMGA as well as the Rattlers men’s group. This past year, I chaired the PCMGA fundraising committee for the Men’s Member…

Deadline September 30 for candidate applications – HOA Board

Election Committee The PebbleCreek Homeowners Association Election Committee is continuing to accept applications for candidates to fill the resident position on the Board of Directors. Candidates will vie for a two-year position on the PCHOA Board beginning January 1, 2017. Director duties and responsibilities may be found in the CC&Rs, Article V. To qualify for…

PCHOA Budget Summary – June 2016 YTD

The June budget financials reflect the strong performance for the first half of the year. The June YTD revenue is 4.6% favorable to budget with all departments having exceeded their projected revenue targets for the first half of the year. Strong homeowner support by patronizing our facilities and the dedicated efforts of all departments have…

PCHOA budget summary – May 2016 YTD Final

The May budget financials reflect the continued strong performance for the first five months of the year. The May YTD revenue is 5.3% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their projected revenue for the first five months of the year. Continued strong support of the Food & Beverage, Golf and Activities amenities by the…

Minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the PebbleCreek Homeowners Association

The Annual meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of The PebbleCreek Homeowners Association, an Arizona non-profit corporation and property owners association (the “Corporation”) was duly noticed and called by George Atwell, Secretary of the Corporation and held on April 20, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, Goodyear, Arizona for the…