PCHOA Board of Director Elections

Pat Ingalls

Homeowners may hand ‘em in or mail ‘em in, whichever method of paper balloting they prefer, for voting in the PebbleCreek Homeowners Association 2016 election.

Candidates are vying for a two-year, resident-volunteer vacancy on the PCHOA Board of Directors, which begins Jan. 1, 2017.

In-person voting takes place on PCHOA Election Day, Wednesday, November 9, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. MST in Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. In general, the rules dictate: one vote per lot; PCHOA identification card required at the polling place; vote for only one candidate.

More specifically, according to Article VI Section 5 of PCHOA’s CC&Rs, an eligible voter is defined as “one homeowner of record per unit/lot”. That means only one vote per lot–not separate votes for husband and wife, when lots owned jointly. And no fractional votes, for example, if husband and wife disagree on who deserves their vote.

Persons or entities owning more than one lot may vote once for each lot owned.

Renters or lessees are ineligible to vote.

Any homeowner who has closed after October 31 and presents himself/herself to vote will be offered a ballot to be held aside as provisional, until the Elections Committee can verify by phone with the Architectural and Landscape Committee or with Robson Communities Inc. that the person is a bona fide homeowner of record.

Any lot for which a second voter presents himself/herself to vote will be denied the opportunity to vote.

Absentee voting began in October. The Election Committee fulfilled requests for absentee-voting packets through October 31.

Those homeowners may choose to drop off their sealed, mail-in ballots at the EN Guest Services desk (EN only–not Tuscany Falls) during usual RGS business hours.

The deadline for receipt of ballots at EN front desk is November 9 at 5:00 p.m. MST–with no exceptions.

“Remember that whether you use return postage to mail in your absentee ballot or hand-deliver it, you must sign the envelope and indicate your unit and lot numbers,” said Election Committee Chair Gordon Seaman. “That is state law.”

Who wins? Election Committee members who count the votes will use a plurality to determine the winner, when three or more candidates are running. Plurality describes the circumstance when a candidate polls more votes than any other, but does not receive a majority. That can occur when three or more possible choices exist.

The HOA’s e-newsletter, PebbleNews, will announce the official winning candidate in an e-blast no later than 24 hours after polls close.

Direct questions for additional information to: Gordon Seaman, chair of the PCHOA Election Committee, at  [email protected].

Gregg Clymer

“Beth and I have lived in PebbleCreek for 16 years. When we first came through the gates, we were immediately attracted to the facilities, amenities and the lifestyle that was unmatched in the local area.”

“We have watched it grow in population, lifestyle choices and assets. As I immersed myself in the community, I joined clubs and began volunteering very shortly after becoming a homeowner. At first this was at the encouragement of new friends, but then turned into a true passion for keeping PebbleCreek a vibrant community. The WOW that Beth and I experienced coming through the gates that first time should be experienced by everyone, every time we come and go and I am passionately committed to making certain that is the case. My primary goal as a Board member has always been stewardship of those growing assets.”

“I have been involved in a variety of community activities including:”

PC Hiking Club

PC Players

President PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association

Golf Committee five years

Currently Vice President HOA Board

School and professional:

BS Purdue University

MS Webster University

Graduate Air Force Air War College

Career U.S. Air Force, Instructor Pilot/Operations Officer with Hurricane Hunter, Combat Search and Rescue Squadrons

Co-owner industrial equipment supply company

Current board director New Mexico based international corporation; 20 years as a director

“I am for strong communication. Over the past two years PebbleNews, PebbleTV, Golf Blasts, Fore!, Cheers have been added or improved to give updates on PC information residents have never had before.”

“I am for hiring professional staff. To that end, your Board has selected over the past three years many talented professionals to help maintain our growth and lifestyle.”

“I am for maintaining home values. Home values are affected by our community look and appeal. So I advocate keeping our buildings, common areas and recreation facilities updated and maintained; ensuring our golf courses, which certainly add to our home values, are modernized, competitive, efficient and sustainable. And, yes, even our personal property needs to be fresh and attractive to keep up home values.”

“We do have some issues that we need to keep in front of us. As the Board has said for the past few years, the reserve fund requires constant managing. We will have new amenities that Robson Communities, Inc. will build and then give to us to own and maintain. The Board needs to do the greatest good for the most homeowners. I am totally focused on keeping PebbleCreek vibrant and growing and I ask for your support. Please vote November 9.”

Bob Parks

“My message is a simple one; we must always put what’s best for the community first. We must clearly consider that our management decisions affect every resident and the lifestyle we all enjoy in PebbleCreek.

Without question we have made significant management improvements with the addition of the Director of Community Services and Director of Golf. Their contributions have not gone unnoticed; however, we need to continue with professional management improvements going forward.

I strongly believe in strong, competent and accountable management, management that truly and transparently represents the entire community. We as a community deserve to know how PebbleCreek is truly managed and where our funds are being spent. I pledge to represent the residents of this community as an open and accessible member of the HOA Board.

My wife and I have been full time PebbleCreek residents for the past six years. I have been active in a number of community issues and feel strongly about honesty, openness and fiscal responsibility. My goal is to be an independent community voice on the HOA Board.”

HOA Experience

“My past experience includes being the president of two previous HOA Boards with a record of accomplishing tasks, a strong commitment to maintaining budgetary constraints and, most importantly, committed to representing the best interests of the residents.”

Career Experience

“My career experience includes five years as a sheriff’s deputy and 23 years as a Special Agent for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. As an Agent in Charge of DEA Offices, my responsibilities included personnel supervision, office management and contracting. I was also an instructor at the FBI academy for four years.”

“After retirement, I spent an additional 10 years with the intelligence community counter terrorism programs, deployed worldwide. While with the CIA I spent three deployments in Iraq during the second gulf war as a team leader.”


“I have a bachelor’s degree from Western Oregon State University and graduate studies at Portland State University.”

My Goal for the Community

“My ultimate goal is to serve the residents of PebbleCreek as a dedicated representative, committed to doing what is in the best interest of the community.”

Mark Pelletier

“By the time this issue of the Post is delivered to you, there will be just about a week until the election on November 9. Please make sure to vote, as this is an extraordinary election – with four candidates. In many past years there has been only one declared candidate and thus no need for an actual election. While I do believe that in those instances we have had excellent representatives for the Board, there is no substitute for an election where there is a choice among candidates.

I have created a website in order to share my thoughts concerning PebbleCreek in detail – thoughts based on 10 years of active involvement with all aspects of PebbleCreek life.”

“Please visit: mark4pc.com to review my articles:

Walking in PebbleCreek; Complaining in PebbleCreek; Communicating in PebbleCreek; Painting PebbleCreek; Reality in PebbleCreek; Paying for PebbleCreek

“You can also learn more about me at the site – my background and skills and why I seek to be on the Board. My July 1 PebbleCreek Post announcement is there for review along with contact information and an easy email comment form.”

“I’ve lived in PebbleCreek for 10 years, have served on the Rules Compliance Committee (boo, rules!) the Kare Bears Board and have participated in a number of clubs and activities. While reporting on our community with the previous Channel 22 TV offering, I interacted with numerous activities in PebbleCreek. Whether you thought Channel 22 was good or bad – my point is that through that involvement I experienced working with all of the varied activities, groups and staff in our community. I believe that such experience, combined with my ability to analyze and plan, will serve you as a representative on the HOA Board.”

“Outside the compound, I have volunteered with the City of Goodyear and I am active in the local Historical Society as well as Scottish cultural organizations. (We sponsor the Phoenix Scottish Games in March, which you can attend through a trip planned by our Activities Office. Yes, that’s where they throw the telephone poles around.)”

“I pledge to be guided by the simple principle that PebbleCreek is a great community – wonderfully created by and, yes, actively controlled by Robson Communities Inc. – but first and foremost, it is a community of and for the residents.”

“Thanks for your consideration.”

Ed Stadjuhar

“My name is Ed Stadjuhar. My wife Karen and I have been residents of PebbleCreek since 2005. Both of us are active in golf. Karen plays with the PCWGA and I play with the PCMGA as well as the Rattlers men’s group. This past year I chaired the PCMGA fundraising committee for the Men’s Member Guest Tournament and will be doing so again for the coming year.”

“I am a 1967 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and served in the Air Force as an instructor pilot for four years. Following my Air Force tour, I entered the financial planning arena. In 1985, Karen and I formed our own investment advisory practice through which we were actively training new advisors and supervising 16 offices, licensed in 25 states. The past year has been spent on the transition of our firm and clients to an advisor who has worked with our team for many years.”

“Now that full retirement is in sight, I would like to use my education and experiences gained in the financial advisory arena to the benefit of our local community. While I am probably qualified to run as a write-in candidate against the two current U.S. Presidential Candidates, I will temper my ego and hopefully start my political career with the PebbleCreek HOA.”