February Speaker Set for Men’s Christian Fellowship

Curt Zimmerman The Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is making plans for its next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. The MCFPC meets the first Wednesday of each month (October through April) and all men of PC are welcome. Special guest will be Pastor Shelly Volk,…

Men’s Christian Fellowship Announces November Speaker

Curt Zimmerman The Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is back in full swing and will meet again Wednesday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. The group meets the first Wednesday of each month with guest presenters focusing on a variety of interesting topics. The next speaker will be Harold Patterson,…

Men’s Fellowship Plans for April Gathering

Curt Zimmerman, Publicity The final meeting of the year for the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3 at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. All men of PC are welcome and invited to attend. This month’s guest speaker is Neil Smith, Board of Directors member of the…

Fall Season Kicks Off for Men’s Christian Fellowship

Curt Zimmerman The first meeting of a new season begins Wednesday, Oct. 4  for the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC). The MCFPC meets the first Wednesday of each month from October through April and features guest speakers on a variety of timely topics. Meetings begin at 7:30 a.m. with complimentary coffee in the Tuscany Falls Chianti…

Men’s Christian Fellowship Announces November Speaker

Curt Zimmerman The next meeting of the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is set for Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room at 7:30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Todd Lewis, a writer and retired communication teacher from Biola University in La Mirada, Calif. He is a professor emeritus, having spent…