Tag: Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears Presents Resuming in January on Zoom Teri Sellers Kare Bears Presents is back in business! Unfortunately, it’s without the homemade cakes and cookies from our wonderful bakers. Kare Bears Presents hosted its first Zoom presentation Oct. 28. Dr. Dallas Smith of AZ Pain Doctors in Goodyear shared a presentation “Chronic Pain Safe and Effective…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Don’t Miss the Annual Health and Donna Blomquist, RN and Dee-Dee Patrick, MS, RN, Co-Directors of Health & Wellness, Kare Bears The Kare Bears’ annual Health and Wellness Fair will be on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, 9 a.m.-noon in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom and Palm Room. It is that time of year again! Put on…

Kare Bears’ Korner

A Beary Merry Christmas Teri Sellers It all began with a bear almost 25 years ago. And to start off our very special anniversary, Kare Bears is bringing back its traditional Christmas event. This year, we will be doing something very different and special. This is one event you will not want to miss! We will…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears’ annual meeting Joyce Van Ornam Kare Bears leaders would appreciate seeing you at the annual meeting on October 23 at 11:00 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. The president will present an annual report to the membership and introduce the 2020 board members for membership approval. Joining the board on January 1, 2020,…

Kare Bears’ Korner

What’s new at Kare Bears? Joyce Van Ornam, President Let’s start with you! If you are new to PebbleCreek, you are new to Kare Bears. Kare Bears is an organization unique to PebbleCreek. It was founded in 1995 by Rayma Scalzo as a “neighbors helping neighbors” organization. Everyone who lives in PebbleCreek is automatically a…

Kare Bears’ korner

Kare Bears Board of Directors Joyce Van Ornam The Kare Bears Board of Directors is making the following changes with the help of nominating committee members Sue White, Janis Korba and Gladys Mabey. 1. President Joyce Van Ornam will leave the board on December 31, 2019. President elect Tom Meek will be the new Kare…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears volunteers honored Joyce Van Ornam Kare Bears volunteers were in full bloom at the 2019 Spring Fling, enjoying brunch and friendship! The following volunteers received their ten-year pins: Dick Atwater, Mildred Callahan, Arlis Legler, Loretta Morris and Maureen Plate. Please consider joining us by visiting www.karebears.org and completing a volunteer interest form. Rotary…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears’ update Joyce Van Ornam The Kare Bears House will be changing to summer hours Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.-noon May 1 to October 31. The house will be closed Saturdays and Sundays. The Board of Directors has additional open positions as follows: 1. Communications Director starting October 2019, for three months overlap with…

Kare Bears’ Korner

Bake Sale thanks Bob and Hope Ewest We would like to send out a sincere thank you to all the people who provided and bought baked goods at the Kare Bears Bake Sale. The proceeds totaled $479 and we could not have been that successful without you. Once again, our sincere thanks! Mr. Robson honored…

Kare Bears’ Korner

2019 Source Book™ delivery update Kare Bears volunteers will be delivering your 2019 Source Book to your home. The date of delivery is pending; however, we expect it be mid-January 2019. Your Source Book will be left at your front door in a plastic bag, one book per house. After home delivery, additional Source Books will be available…