HOA approved clubs Ed Juengst PebbleCreek hosts a wide variety of clubs ensuring that homeowners can find many places to pursue their sports, hobbies, talents and interests! Finding detailed club information is quick and easy using the website’s Clubs page. Here’s how. Access the site at http://pebblecreekhoa.org. Homeowners should login then select Things To Do…
Tag: HOA
Generals, June 2014
PebbleCreek HOA Budget Summary – March 2014 YTD
Marion Moskal The first quarter of the 2014 budget year is now complete and the HOA financials are positive for all departments. The March year-to-date (YTD) revenue is 5.9% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their first quarter revenue targets and revenue results from last year. Strong support and participation of the PebbleCreek homeowners…