Pete Williams The longest standing member of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club, Bill Halte, recently reached his 8,000-mile milestone, the third highest total in club history. Bill was instrumental in the creation of the club in the late nineties and was the club’s leading hiker for many years. Over the years, Bill has played several roles in the…
Tag: hiking
Clubs & Classes, August 2020
Hiker Celebrates Dual Milestones
Lynn Warren And how did you celebrate your 60th birthday? Kris Raczkiewicz, new to PebbleCreek and the Hiking Club since October, celebrated her 60th on a 12-mile hike with nine fellow “B” and “C” hikers on May 25. In addition to this big life event, just a few days earlier, she also reached a significant…
Clubs & Classes, July 2020
PC Hiking Club Diary
Hiker Surpasses 10,000 Miles Hiked Pete Williams Lynn Warren, a member of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club, surpassed 10,000 miles on May 27, 2020. Since joining the club in May 2011, he has averaged over 1,000 miles a year. In the 16 years the club has been tracking member miles, Lynn is only the second hiker…
Clubs & Classes, June 2020
Hikers Practice Social Distancing at Tres Rios
Lynn Warren On May 1, five hikers enjoyed an interesting eight-mile hike in the Tres Rios Base and Meridian Wildlife Area south of PebbleCreek. The hike started with a steep climb to the top of Monument Hill just east of the Phoenix Raceway, which provided a great overlook of the racetrack and surrounding area. The top…
Sports, June 2020
Pickleball Players Head to the Hills
Cynthia Schwartz For those who love pickleball and play several times a week, the shutdown of the courts has been an opportunity to explore other kinds of physical activity and fun. A group of women in PebbleCreek have kicked off their court shoes, found their hiking boots, and headed to the hills. Ellen Enright decided…
Clubs & Classes, May 2020
PC Hiking Club DIary
PC Hiker Celebrates Milestone Lynn Warren Linda Schmillen has been hiking with the PebbleCreek Hiking Club since 2016 and on March 7, reached the important milestone of 1,000 miles. Before splitting into smaller groups and departing for Ford Canyon Dam, a large group of “B” and “C” hikers joined Linda in the White Tanks on…
Clubs & Classes, April 2020
PC Hiking Club
PC Hiker Sets Another Club Record Lynn Warren The hiking club conducts hikes six days a week so many club records are being broken, but one record is unique. On Feb. 8, Pete Williams, a constant hiker since 2006, became the first and only club hiker to achieve 11,000 miles. Pete and fellow hikers celebrated…
Clubs & Classes, March 2020
PC Singles Enjoy Hike in White Tank Mountains
Jan Hansen Recently members of the PC Singles enjoyed an early morning hike in the White Tank Mountains, enjoying the sights this beautiful place has to offer. Hiking is one of the many activities members can participate in and enjoy with fellow members and friends. Highlighting the 2020 social calendar this month was the entertainment of…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
PC Hiking Club Diary
Hikers Enjoy Views from Shiprock Lynn Warren If you travel Hwy. 93 toward Las Vegas, you pass through forests of Joshua Trees approximately 25 miles beyond Wickenburg and if you look west at the right time (MP 163), you may see the rock monolith known as Shiprock rising from the desert. On Dec. 19, six…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Hikers Relax on Quartz Peak
Lynn Warren On Dec. 5, five “B” hikers hiked/scrambled to the top of 4,000-foot Quartz Peak and demonstrated some Christmas spirit while relaxing on the brilliant white quartz outcropping at the summit. This peak is in the middle of the Sierra Estrellas, which you see when driving on I-10 since the range lies just south of…