Tag: golf

PCMGA Executive Board issues mission statement

PCMGA Board, left to right: Ray Catalano, Dave Hokaj, Marc Goldberg, Nick Steckler, Steve Straley, Bill Schaffer, John Stergulz, Tom Schmidt, John Abercrombie, Bud Held, Jerry Monk and Howie Tiger

Howie Tiger Jerry Monk, president of the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association, challenged his executive board to create a mission statement to reflect the main purpose of the PCMGA. He wanted to make it clear for our community exactly what we do and why we have this organization. Here it is: “To conduct weekly golf tournaments…

PCLGA members play in CAGD Tournament at Los Caballeros

Left to right: Donnie Meyers, Ann Page, Barbara Younker, Monica Lee, Carolyn Suttles, Claudia Tiger, Cheryl Skummer, Linda Thompson, Mary Falso, Carol Sanders, Donna Monk, Sue Abercrombie and Jane Hee

Lynn Matousek Thirteen PCLGA members played in the Central Arizona Golf District Tournament held at Los Caballeros Golf Club in Wickenburg, Arizona on October 24, 2016. The PCLGA partnered teams were Jane Hee and Carolyn Suttles; Mary Falso and Monica Lee; Ann Page and Donnie Meyers; Sue Abercrombie and Donna Monk; Linda Thompson and Cheryl…

PCLGA Summer Eclectic winners

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA Summer Eclectic Tournament is a multi-round golf tournament resulting in one 18-hole score per player for each PebbleCreek course played. This year 44 PCLGA members participated and their scores were recorded from all postable Tuesday play dates from May 17 to October 4, 2016 by Co-Chairs Debbie Sayre and Jane Richards.…

Cover Girl Carolyn Sutters

Lynn Matousek PebbleCreek’s own Carolyn Suttles, a 19-year member of the PCLGA, was featured on the cover of the 2016 summer issue of African American Golfer’s Digest. Desert Mashie G. C. is one of the oldest golf clubs in the valley. The club originated in 1946 and is 70 years young this year. Carolyn was elected…

PCLGA upcoming events

Member/Guest Committee, left to right: Susan Bentson, Diana Wolf, Diane Pratuch, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Jackie Horton, Vicki McLaughlin, Pat Lohmiller, Vicki Ray, Nan Perkins, Cheryl Skummer (absent: Connie Steckler, Sheri Sears)

Lynn Matousek A very special PCLGA event is coming up during the month of January 2017: January 17, 2017 – Cancer Awareness Tournament; Co-Chairs Ellen Stergulz and Linda Glazar. The Cancer Awareness Tournament is always a very proud moment for the PCLGA. Co-Chairpersons Ellen Stergulz and Linda Glazar are working to make this a very…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

First place team at Falcon Dunes Golf Course: Bobbie Wagner, Janet Jeans, Carol Hahn and Carol Schumacher

Pat Kaer Away Play On October 11 the Lady Niners celebrated golf, good food and the sound of freedom at Luke Air Force Base. There was a nine-hole shotgun tournament at Falcon Dunes Golf Course followed by a turkey croissant lunch. The first place team was Bobbie Wagner, Janet Jeans, Carol Hahn and Carol Schumacher.…

Pro’s Corner

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We are now into our over-seeding program and the golfer will be facing different conditions around the greens as the Bermuda becomes dormant. For those who have trouble with the shorter pitches and chips, it is worthwhile to experiment with your setup. We read all the time that the ball should be played off your…

2016-2017 PCLGA Roadrunners

Back row: Renee deLassus, Barbara Patrow, Kittie Day, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Chanca Morrell, Sheri Sears, Mary Falso, Barbara McKinney; front row: Amber Rivera, Marilyn Reynolds, Mary Harris, Sarah Marsh, Ellen Enright (not pictured Monica Lee)

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA Roadrunners League is comprised of PCLGA golfers with the lowest handicaps selected from a signup list each May. The Co-Captains for the 2016-2017 team are Mary Harris and Marilyn Reynolds. The PCLGA players for this season’s team are Kittie Day, Renee deLassus, Ellen Enright, Mary Falso, Mary Harris, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Monica…