Cribbage Club Gary Lind The Cribbage Club has weekly meetings on the first four Thursdays of each month at 1 p.m., in the Sienna Room, Tuscany Falls. We start promptly at 1 p.m., so please arrive a little early. The club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of cribbage.…
Tag: euchre
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
Card Scores
Euchre Club Euchre is played every Thursday evening in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Come at 6:45 p.m. and bring $1 toward prize money. Here are the scores for the past month. Feb. 11 Lone Hands: Carole Hanely 1st: Barb Clark 2nd: Dennis Hanely, Rob Ratliff, Dan Unklesbay, 56 Low: Janette Ratliff, 36…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Do You Like to Play Euchre?
There is an euchre club in PebbleCreek. We meet on Thursday evenings in the Palm Room at the PebbleCreek Clubhouse. Play begins promptly at 7 p.m. It is suggested that you arrive a bit earlier to pay your dollar toward prize money and to play a few practice rounds. We all need practice! Recent results…
Clubs & Classes, November 2021
Other Card Results
Euchre Mary Ann O’Brien Euchre is played every Thursday evening in the Palm Room at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse, at 7 p.m. sharp. Please arrive early to pay $1 towards prize money and to sign in. The PebbleCreek Euchre Club welcomed two new players. Charlotte Ischi and her son, Pete Ischi, joined the group and…
Clubs & Classes, October 2021
Card Scores
Euchre Euchre is played every Thursday evening in the Palm Room at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. We begin play at 7 p.m. but ask that you arrive early enough to pay $1 toward prize money and to sign in and find a seat. You must have been fully vaccinated to join in the play. If…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Card Scores
Euchre Club Mary Ann O’Brien The Palm Room is the place to be if you enjoy playing euchre. We meet at 6:30 p.m., sign in, and socialize while playing a few practice hands. We have many new players, so if you would wear your name tag, I’m sure it would help newcomers learn names more…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
Card Scores
PebbleCreek Euchre Club Mary Ann O’Brien Euchre is played every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Come at 6:30 p.m., sign in, pay a dollar toward prize money, and meet and greet the members. You must have two COVID vaccinations to be eligible to play. Bring your own…
Clubs & Classes, June 2021
Other Card Results
Euchre Club Mary Ann O’Brien The PebbleCreek Euchre players are happy to be able to finally get together to play euchre. We are meeting once again in the Palm Room in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. We gather at 6:30 p.m., pay $1 toward prize money, and sign in. We are still wearing our masks, and…
Clubs & Classes, April 2020
Other Card Results

Cribbage Club Come play some cribbage. The Cribbage Club meets every Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Sienna Room, Tuscany Falls. The Cribbage Club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game. If you have a board and deck of cards please bring them with you. Here is our winners report:…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Other Card Results
Pinochle Skip Holmes Happy New Year! Hard to believe another year has passed, but most assuredly it has. We’ve played a whole lot of pinochle in the past year with lots of different winners. Twenty-four different individuals have taken first place at least once during our weekly games. The individual taking first place the most…