Tag: Charity

Helping Others Together

Laurie Carlson, PebbleCreek Resident Helping Others Together (HOT Community Foundation) is an AZ 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization founded in 2019 by a group of philanthropic-minded women in the West Valley of Phoenix. Last year, we offered help and hope to 57 children and 17 families through our Sugar Plum Fairies holiday giving initiative. With grants to…

K9 Unit Charity Golf Tournament set for February 17

Jim Ellison The eighth annual charity golf tournament in support of the City of Goodyear Police Department K9 Unit is just over a month away. The Pet Companion’s Club is hosting this event taking place Saturday, February 17, 2018, on the Tuscany Falls/Palms Course (1:00 p.m. shot-gun). Cost of this event is $85/player ($50/player for…

A summer of disaster and generosity

Red Cross staff and volunteers gathered around to applaud PebbleCreek’s donation as Kare Bears President Teri Sellers presented checks totaling $5,160 to Red Cross Chief Development Officer Don Speck.

Stu Burge The summer of 2017 will be remembered as one of the most disastrous in U.S. history. Like something out of a Hollywood horror movie, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate carved an unprecedented swath of death and destruction across the Caribbean Islands and Puerto Rico, then north through mainland states stretching from Texas…

K9 Unit Charity Golf Tournament coming in March

Officers Sean Clarke, Mike Miller and Buka

Jim Ellison PebbleCreek will be hosting the seventh annual charity golf tournament in support of the City of Goodyear’s Police Department K9 Unit. The Pet Companion’s Club is sponsoring this tournament and invites you to participate in this worthwhile event taking place Sunday, March 6, 2016, on the Eagle’s Nest Golf Course (1:00 p.m. shotgun).…

11th annual AZ Myeloma Network Golf Tournament

The Arizona Myeloma Network (AzMN) will be hosting its eleventh annual Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, November 14, 2015, at the McCormick Ranch Golf Club located at 7505 E. McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258. This year’s event will feature a continental breakfast, a TaylorMade/Adidas concept shop gift certificate, two drink tickets, 19th Hole Awards Luncheon…

4th annual Captain Jeremy Alan Chandler Memorial scholarship

Jeremy in Afghanistan

Jonnie Chandler Captain Jeremy Alan Chandler, a Special Forces ODA-HALO Team Leader (Green Beret), was killed in action on August 11, 2005, while serving his third deployment to Afghanistan. His parents, LTC Alan Chandler, U.S. Army retired, and Jonnie Chandler, established a memorial scholarship in his honor at the University of North Georgia. To-date eight…

Community holiday food basket drive

Edna DeFord It is the time of year when our friends and neighbors return from cooler climates and we all begin to think of our fall activities and plan for enjoying a nice holiday dinner with family and friends at Thanksgiving and Christmas; however, there are many people who think only day by day about…

Calling all PebbleCreekers who sew

Millissa Masters The Sewing and Quilting Clubs are co-hosting a PebbleCreek Community Service Event. Even if you aren’t a member of any club but know how to sew, we would love you to join us. The New Life Center received a donation of a number of king size comforters and have asked us to resize…