Ceramics—Ann Economou Susan Eastman If you see a whirlwind when you enter the Ceramics Studio, it’s most likely our Ceramics Club of PebbleCreek (CCPC) President, Ann Economou! Ann is always on the move these days organizing one thing or another. She organizes the shelves of Greenware and bisque, and is digitizing catalogs for our instructor,…
Tag: Ceramics
Features, February 2024
Artists of the Month – February 2024

Janet Vine—Ceramics Club Susan Eastman Janet Vine is an outstanding artist. All who see her work agree. What began as an early childhood inclination to doodle eventually evolved into an incredibly refined and detailed ability to capture the nuances of color and form that is seen in her work today. While in college, private art…
Clubs & Classes, May 2023
Artist of the Month – Ceramics Club: Pat Bangart

Susan Eastman In the delicate artistry of Pat Bangart, one sees a manifestation of the words by famed artist Frida Kahlo who said, “I paint flowers so they won’t die.” On plates and pitchers, Pat has applied designs that capture forever the beauty of floral blooms. But this ability, both innate and learned, didn’t happen…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Ceramics classes

We offer Ceramic classes, as well as workshops, using various techniques, paints and glazes. We always welcome new members to join in the fun. Beginners can start anytime in either class. So please stop by the Gecko Classroom in the Creative Arts Building any time for a look see. We are very fortunate in having…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Ceramics Club’s Christmas in July

Maryalice Carl, Publicity Chairman Our ceramic instructors will be holding classes as usual during the summer months. Kelli Fredricksen will instruct on Monday and Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. while Sharon Pelikan will instruct on Thursday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Jan Dietman on Saturday, July 9 and July…
Clubs & Classes, March 2016
Pumpkins in Raku
Musette Young Back by popular demand, Musette Young is giving a class in Raku on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, from noon to 3:00 p.m. Class fee is $35 for one piece and $50 for two pieces. This will include paints and brushes. The sign-up sheet is in the Expressions Gallery. Come in the Ceramic Room…
Clubs & Classes, October 2014
Mud Pies and water based clay class
Roxie Forrest The temperature is sizzling in the PebbleCreek Ceramics room! Our kiln rooms have been reaching record temperatures bringing members’ projects to life. Our teachers have been keeping the chairs warm with bodies and working with students in designing and perfecting their works of art. Alas, it is not nearly as warm as being…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Mud pies and water based clay

Roxie Forrest The temperature is sizzling in the PebbleCreek Ceramics Room! Our kiln rooms have been reaching record temperatures bringing members’ projects to life. Our teachers have been keeping the chairs warm with bodies and working with students in designing and perfecting their works of art. Alas, it is not nearly as warm as being…
Clubs & Classes, June 2014
Heating up and holidays
Roxie Forrest Summer is approaching which means warmer (ok – hot!) weather. Have you ever wondered how many things you could do during the Arizona warm (hot!) season? Come to the ceramics room and stay cool, connect with fellow PCers and try your hand at a new skill! The ceramics room will be open every…