With the wet weather here and seeming to continue, weeds are a nuisance to us all at this time of year. Remember that the ALC Guidelines ask that we remove weeds either with herbicides or manual weeding, preferably on a regular schedule. In addition, many of our fruit trees are bearing fruit and it is…
Tag: ALC
Generals, October 2016
Know your ALC

Your Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) works hard to keep PebbleCreek beautiful and help you maintain the investment you’ve made in your home. You can help by following the ALC Guidelines for landscaping and decorating your home. This Month’s Quiz: Find at least six landscaping or decorating mistakes in this mythical PebbleCreek home. The purpose…
Generals, October 2015
HOA Committees recruiting volunteers for 2016
Pat Ingalls Making PebbleCreek run as smoothly as it does may seem like magic, but much of it is due to the efforts of volunteers and the six Homeowners Association committees on which they serve. Fall is the time of year when PebbleCreek residents have the opportunity to indicate their desires to bestow their magical…