Know your ALC

Your Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) works hard to keep PebbleCreek beautiful and help you maintain the investment you’ve made in your home. You can help by following the ALC Guidelines for landscaping and decorating your home.

This Month’s Quiz:

Find at least six landscaping or decorating mistakes in this mythical PebbleCreek home.

The purpose of the Architectural and Landscape Committee (ALC) is to ensure that the ongoing visual character of PebbleCreek remains consistent with the overall plan of the community — while allowing individual expressions in landscaping and property decorating which is harmonious to the community. The Board of Directors appoints the Chairman and ALC members annually. All members of the committee are PebbleCreek homeowners and one member of the ALC is also member of the Board of Directors.

The ALC office is located in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse.

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday through Friday

Telephone number: 623-935-6747

The ALC meets Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. (except on the third Wednesday of the month when the Committee meets at 10:00 a.m.) in the Sienna Room in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Homeowners are welcome to attend.

Quiz Answers:

1. Pink shutters; 2. Bird bath; 3. Oversize statue; 4. Pink flamingo; 5. Flag over garage door; 6. Painted driveway