Members enjoyed a summer get-together at the home of T.T.T. Chapter P President Claudia Clarkson.
Laurie Overson
Do you see how happy these ladies look? That’s because they have been spending time at a casual get-together at the home of T.T.T. Chapter P President Claudia Clarkson. We don’t have regular chapter meetings during the summer, so this year some of us non-snowbirds have been getting together once a month just for fellowship. What fun! T.T.T. ladies are smart, classy, hard-working and simply delightful to be with, if I do say so myself.
T.T.T. is a working group, so during regular meetings we are primarily concerned with T.T.T. business and activities. It has been great this summer to be able to just spend a little time together chatting and getting better acquainted.
As some of you know, our annual Poinsettia Sale is in October, so we will definitely be getting back to work soon. The Poinsettia Sale is one of our major fundraisers so we can continue to send deserving girls to summer camp. We are hoping to have your support with this again this year, as we have in the past. We really appreciate it.
If T.T.T. membership sounds like something you would like more information on, please contact our Chapter P Membership Chairman, Cathi Hollis, at 935-4856, and she will be happy to talk to you about it. We are always anxious to welcome congenial women into our group.