Our 2023 campers enjoying some holiday treats
Ronnie Levine
Chapter Q was very happy to induct three new members to our chapter: Kathy Clark, Karen Aaronson, and Betty Wring.
On March 8, the Chapter will be hosting the T.T.T. Society State of Arizona convention here in PebbleCreek. Members of Chapter P, also from PebbleCreek, and Chapter J, from Tucson, will also attend.
We will be doing something different for our 2024 fundraiser, which will be a dance held on Tuesday, April 30. Realtor Kathleen Cooley will be sponsoring a popular band. There will be prizes, snacks, and a no-host bar. Stay tuned for more info! We are raising money to send the fourth grade Heritage Elementary girls to summer camp. The money is used to purchase everything the girls need to attend camp including clothing, sleeping bags, duffel bags, disposable cameras, and many other items. The money we raise also is used for holiday gifts and school supplies for the girls.
Chapter Q is looking forward to finding new members from PebbleCreek to join us. For questions, please contact Ellen Stergulz: 815-549-0252 or [email protected].