T.T.T. Chapter P Welcomes New Members

New members Carol Lutz and Judy Alexander

New member Tracey Schryver, Chapter P President Jan Stash, new member Mary Flynn

Claudia Clarkson

T.T.T. AZ Chapter P is excited to welcome four new members, Carol Lutz, Judy Alexander, Tracey Schryver, and Mary Flynn into our organization this spring. Even before they were formally a part of our membership, they joined right in by attending our state convention, helping with our Butter Braid fundraiser, and joining our camper activities at the Avondale Boys & Girls Club. We know that they will be a true asset to our group, and we look forward to many years of fun and rewarding times with these four women. If anyone new to PebbleCreek is interested in learning more about our T.T.T. Society, please contact Chapter P President Jan Stash at [email protected]. We are always excited to share our mission of “camping for girls.”