T.T.T. Chapter P Update

Claudia Clarkson

This has been a wonderful year for our chapter. Our members worked very hard on our fundraisers to send fourth grade girls to camp. It paid off!

We were extremely blessed to be able to help ten girls attend Camp Willow Springs in Prescott. We were excited, our campers were thrilled, and we were all looking forward to the girls getting on the camp bus to depart Phoenix for Prescott during the first part of June.

Then the world changed due to the coronavirus. Our plan for the 2020 camping experience was no more. Our National TTT Organization was founded in 1911, and this is the first time in history that they have had to issue the directive that no chapter will be allowed to send campers.

This has been a heartbreaking decision for all of us. However, the silver lining is that in the next camping season we will be able to send the girls that were selected this year along with the girls who will be chosen for 2021.

Our PebbleCreek community has been crucial in supporting both our poinsettia and butter braid fundraisers and our success is due to your generosity. We look forward to the coming year.

During this current health crisis, we hope all of you are finding ways to share your time, talents, and treasures while safely social distancing. Remember, this too shall pass.