Dennis Miazga
Rich Christiansen
Dennis Miazga, treasurer, serves in a very important capacity for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association. Dennis stated, “First and foremost of the responsibilities as PCSSA board members is to see that players have a fun and safe season of play. The primary responsibilities of the treasurer are to lead the organization in ensuring the financial well-being and executing the financial operations of the PCSSA. To make this happen an annual budget, listing both income and expenses, must be established and approved. Our primary sources of revenue include both banner and team sponsorships and member dues. Major expenses include field maintenance, purchasing uniforms, keeping equipment up to date, umpire fees and funding of seven social events throughout the season. As PCSSA Treasurer, I must balance these expenses with budget plans, monitoring performance against those plans and making recommendations on membership dues and sponsorship goals. It has been a rewarding two years executing the financial operations of the PCSSA and seeing it continue to grow.” It is important to note that the treasurer also maintains all the league’s financial records, is the custodian of all banking accounts and files the association’s tax returns.
Dennis and his wife Janet moved to PebbleCreek from San Jose, California, after retiring in 2010. They both grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, but spent most of their married life in the Rochester, New York, area where Dennis worked for Xerox Corporation. His initial career focus was in electronics and software design engineering, followed by stints in various engineering management positions in Rochester, London, UK and Palo Alto, California. Dennis and Janet have two grown sons, both living in the Chicago area with their families, including four grandchildren. In addition to softball, Dennis’ interests include golf and pickleball.