Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Speaks at Democratic Meeting

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes with PebbleCreek Democratic Club President Vicki Barber at the October meeting of the Democratic Club (photo by Gillian Driscoll)

Arizona Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, returned to speak to the PebbleCreek Democratic Club on Oct. 4. Elected as Arizona’s 21st Secretary of State in 2022 Secretary Fontes is an Arizona native, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and the father of three daughters who has spent a lifetime fighting for justice and democracy. He is committed to preserving integrity in our elections, making voting easier for registered voters, and ensuring that Arizona’s business community has a non-partisan partner in the Secretary’s office.

Secretary Fontes gained national attention during his tenure as Maricopa County Recorder, where he worked to make the voting process more accessible and transparent. He is committed to fair elections, voter education, and inclusivity.

In his inspiring speech, Secretary Fontes spoke of his experiences as Maricopa County Recorder. In a lively exchange following his speech, Secretary Fontes answered questions from the audience that ranged from election security to campaign strategies. His thoughtful answers were met with great enthusiasm and he received a standing ovation.

Secretary Fontes has been a frequent visitor and supporter of the PebbleCreek Democratic Club and we hope to see him again in the future.

The Democratic Club’s next meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 1 in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. The social hour begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting at 7 p.m. The meetings are always open and all are welcome.