Austin VanDerHeyden
Jenna Ridgeway
The PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) will host its annual Spring BBQ on April 4. This year’s featured speaker will be Austin VanDerHeyden, who is the Municipal Affairs Liaison from the Goldwater Institute. His primary role is helping “municipalities across Arizona find free-market solutions to the problems they face, working with city councils, county officials, and school boards to promote limited government ideals.” Austin has worked with Turning Point USA conducting research into school boards across the USA. He has published the following articles on ways local government has violated Arizonan’s rights in 2023: “Homeless Zone” in downtown Phoenix,” “Scottsdale’s Green Mandates,” and “Tucson’s Lawlessness.”
Our buffet luncheon will be held on Thursday, April 4, in the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls. Social time will begin at 11:30 a.m., with lunch at noon, followed by our speaker.
Upcoming PCRC events for April include:
* Men’s Breakfast on Tuesday, April 9 at 8:30 a.m., at Eagle’s Nest dining room. RSVP to Chuck Streeter at [email protected].
* Women’s Luncheon on Wednesday, April 10, at 11:30 a.m., in the Eagle’s Nest dining room alcove. Seating is limited to 20. RSVP to Vicki Streeter at [email protected].
* Men’s Golf Group meets on Tuesdays. See club website for details at pebblecreekrepublicanclub.com.
For more information about our club or to download a membership application, visit our website at pebblecreekrepublicanclub.com.
Remember to fly your flag!