Republican Club President Patricia Moore with guest speaker Randy Miller, Director of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers of Arizona (photo by Sheila Snyder)
Sheila Snyder
“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”—President James Madison, 1809-1817
Challenged by guest speaker, Randy Miller, Director of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association of Arizona, to become more knowledgeable of the Constitution, 127 members of the PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) had an insightful opportunity at the May Membership Meeting to glean valuable information regarding the most important documents in American history. These critical documents consist of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which includes seven articles and 27 amendments, of which the first is our crucial Bill of Rights. Mr. Miller shared that the Constitution is actually a contract between the states and the people. These documents define the underlying belief that all people have inalienable rights and the government was created to protect these rights.
Speaker Randy Miller encouraged club members to study the Constitution and to pay attention to legislative laws being passed, in order to be able to stand up and question when laws are appearing to give unconstitutional power to the government instead of to “We the People.” Randy and his fellow Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers are delivering this message across the country, encouraging all Americans to take action to make sure elected representatives follow the Constitution and only pass constitutional legislation. He emphasized how essential this is in order to keep government small and to perform its designated purpose of protecting the people’s rights. Mr. Miller’s presentation was met with meaningful motivation to read and study the Constitution. Following Randy’s presentation, the PCRC members enthusiastically participated in a very informative Q & A session.
Other highlights of the evening included an inspiring prayer by Stanly Bloch, honoring the National Day of Prayer. The meeting concluded the PCRC monthly meetings until they resume Sept. 7. President Patricia Moore ended the meeting by encouraging all in attendance to have a safe and enjoyable summer, and to look forward to some exciting events in the fall.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the PCRC, please contact Membership Chair Camille Grabb at [email protected].
Remember to fly your flag in support of our country!