Even the family dog came to the PebbleCreek Model Railroad Club Open House.
Mark Pelletier
Our members certainly like to play with our trains. But another thing we enjoy just as much is sharing our model displays with PebbleCreek residents and guests. On the recent Good Friday, close to 200 visitors came to view our three train layouts.
The outdoor Garden Scale trains are the first to get attention right as you enter the Eagle’s Nest Activities Center area. They’re the largest ones we have and are also right down at ground level, readily visible to all, especially the youngsters.
Also outside, set up on portable tables, viewers saw the first 15-foot section of our “O scale” trains. These are about the same size as the Lionel and American Flyer trains many of us had as kids. Almost every adult visitor comments on the train sets they grew up with – and many tell us that those trains are still “in a box” somewhere in storage. No – they really aren’t worth a lot of money but if you have some, pull them out and enjoy the memories.
Our indoor layout, while much smaller in scale, is loaded with detail. Our towns represent real towns in Illinois and Indiana, complete with businesses and industries that existed in the 60s – or still do! Yes, the displays take time and effort to create, but we just love watching folks view and appreciate the details of the displays. Visitors who return often, usually comment on things that they missed before – or which have been added since their last trip. We enjoy our creations over and over again just by sharing.
Although our next Open House will not happen until Thanksgiving, you can stop by any Tuesday or Thursday morning (about 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.) to walk around the indoor layout. Even if we are doing work, or actively running realistic operations, you’re not inconveniencing us and are most welcome. During the weeks before and after Easter we welcomed numerous visitors to PebbleCreek over the varying spring break times.
It may also be possible to open the room for you at other times. Call Mark Pelletier at 847-224-5653 (cell) to check. And remember that you can visit us anytime on the web at: pcmrc.org.