A sample of the holiday quilts donated to Hospice of the Valley
Cynthia Schwartz
The PebbleCreek Quilters Club includes a Community Service Committee that creates and donates quilted items to local community organizations. The committee is chaired by Hiromi Bashore. This year, club members designed and created holiday quilts that will be given to Hospice of the Valley (HOV) organization. HOV will distribute the quilts to patients who are in the Care Center setting. These patients were chosen because they are alone, without family support during their hospice journey, and would otherwise not receive any Christmas gifts.
Diane Walton, a Hospice of the Valley Representative, attended the club’s November meeting and spoke to the membership. She commented, “the quilts provide warmth and comfort and a glimmer of hope and peace to patients.” Diane thanked the club for sharing the members’ talents and dedicating their time to create the quilts. Hiromi commented, “I feel strongly that at our age we can still do so much to help others and make a difference.”
The club is proud that we can bring joy in a person’s life during the holiday season.