Linda Rowe
When friends and family of Donna Aybar received the 70 masks she made and mailed across the country to them, they were grateful. When they wanted to pay her, she told them she wasn’t charging for the masks, but if they wished to make a donation, she would use the money to buy disposable diapers for New Life Center (NLC,) where she has been a volunteer for more than 10 years. NLC has been on quarantine like all of us, and has had difficulty getting certain items for their residents.
Donna started buying diapers with the donated money and delivering them to NLC. She made a posting on her Facebook page each Friday. When friends and neighbors in PebbleCreek saw the posts, they began making donations as well. Since the middle of March, Donna has been able to deliver almost 4,000 diapers, as well as an almost new Pack ‘n Play, five sets of new twin sheet sets, 10 new bath towel sets, many packages of disposable cups, plates, and eating utensils, lots of plastic eggs and candy for the staff to make Easter baskets for the children, plus 130 cloth facemasks for kids and adults.
Donna will continue to purchase and deliver disposable diapers to NLC each Friday, as long as they continue to be in quarantine and she receives donations. Way to go Donna!