Left to right: Lynn Warren (photographer), Ed Kim, Tom Wick, Stacey Miller, Debbie Campbell, Beverly Kim, Jack Stroud, Laurel Laux, Barb Kripps, Joyce Raidle, Kay Thomas, Laurie Malatesta, Eileen Lords-Mosse, Neal Wring, Leon Mosse, Kris Raczkiewicz, Art Solorio, Dennis Zigmunt, Dave Schuldt, and Chris Pelikan pausing for a quick group photo before beginning a hike on Talk Like a Pirate Day.
You may have missed it but PC Hikers didn’t. Sept. 19 was ”International Talk Like a Pirate Day,” an occasion that the hiking club always looks forward to since it is an opportunity to dress up in pirate attire and enjoy a refreshing social get-together after a group hike. Twenty “B,” “C,” and “D” hikers enjoyed an easy 5-mile hike at Estrella Foothills and then shared their favorite snacks and pirate jokes at the pavilion in Goodyear’s Estrella Mountain Community Park, just a few miles south of PebbleCreek on Estrella Parkway. Hiking is social as well as physical, so join the club and you too can enjoy interesting areas with a fun group of people. Visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.