PCLGA cancer survivors participating in tournament

Pinwheel Honor Garden

PCLGA Pink Power participants, front row left of middle: Co-Chairs Linda Glazar (pink wig) and to her left Ellen Stergulz
Lynn Matousek
Dressed in pink and ready to scramble. That describes the 163 PCLGA members who formed their own foursomes and played in the Cancer Awareness Tournament on January 17, 2017. Co-Chairs Ellen Stergulz and Linda Glazar organized quite a tournament promoting Pink Power for cancer awareness among the PCLGA golfers.
An honor garden of colorful pinwheel flowers was arranged on the putting green at Tuscany Falls with the names of cancer victims or survivors written on each one. PCLGA members showed their generosity by contributing to the pinwheel flower project organized by Pam Volm, purchasing 50/50 tickets, making monetary donations and purchasing raffle tickets to win prizes donated by various golf groups and others who deserve recognition: Birdie Babes, Chatty Chippers, Chip ‘N Dolls, Diamonds in the Rough, Fairway Foxes, Friday Friends, Friday Group, Gimmee Girlfriends, Nadine Eder – Quilted Golf Pure, Partee Dolls, PC Pro Shops, Salon Vega, Sweet Shots, The Circle, The Driving Divas and Wednesday Whackers.
A luncheon followed the tournament in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom consisting of a croissant sandwich, chips, grapes and a cookie. A surprise delivery arrived for one of our members, Claudia Tiger. Her husband presented her with red long stemmed roses in celebration of her birthday. Very thoughtful, Howie! After a membership meeting, and in keeping with tradition, the PCLGA cancer survivors participating in the tournament were asked to come forward. Together with a standing ovation they were each given a pink carnation and posed for a group picture.
Net and gross winners of the six handicapped flights were announced by Pro Ronnie Decker as follows:
Flight Six: Low Net: Sue Fassler, Judi Floyd, Deanna Mendiola, Ruth Vohs; Low Gross: Julie Kurvers, Pat Laatsch, Mary Rollins, Kate Schimelpfening
Flight Five: Low Net: Judith Anspaugh, Carole Escajeda, Bev Heron, Carolyn Suttles; Low Gross: Tess Braden, Sharma Fleming, Linda Julius, Carole Kahler
Flight Four: Tied for Low Net: Mary Coon, Cheryl LaMotta, Claire Moeschler, Barbara Younker; Valerie Bobigian, Beverly Clinton, Lynn Matousek, Kathy Nelson; Low Gross: Kathy Black, Arlene Engelbert; Mary Neeley, Gretchen Olberding
Flight Three: Low Net: Nancy Dusenbery, Esther Frehner, Connie Jesko, Renate Lampkin; Low Gross: Patty Brown, Donna Monk, Maxine Rivard, Nancy Williams
Flight Two: Low Net: Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Ann Page, Chris Urbatchka; Low Gross: Donna Havener, Sandra Nielson, Debbie Sayre, Pam Volm
Flight One: Low Net: Mary Falso, Mary Harris, Marilyn Reynolds, Pam Schunke; Low Gross: Sue Abercrombie, Kathi Curtis, Andrea Dilger, Carol Ratliff
Thank you to Co-Chairs Ellen Stergulz and Linda Glazar for putting on such a fun and meaningful tournament. Due to the generosity of its members and others, the PCLGA donated $4,389 to the National Foundation for Cancer Research. Everyone who participated in this tournament was a winner whether by playing well on the course, making a donation to a worthy cause, having a good time with golf friends or fighting and surviving the fight with cancer. Congratulations to all!