Lynn Warren
For the current hiking season, the club introduced a new category of hike that is designed to have less experienced hikers accompany more experienced hikers on a few selected hikes which enables these hikers to enjoy some advanced areas that normally would be achieved only by higher level hikers. These hikes have been tagged as “Signature Hikes” and, on Nov. 13, 18 hikers traveled south to the odd-shaped mountain just off I-10 about 40 miles north of Tucson. This mountain is Picacho Peak, site of the western-most battle of the Civil War, and is a state park known for outstanding poppies in the spring. The hike was only 5.1 miles, short by club standards, but was physically challenging because of the 2,000-ft. elevation gain and steep areas that had to be climbed using cables, chains, and rails where appropriate to enable hikers to safely negotiate the vertical areas; however, the hikers still needed careful footwork and good upper body strength.
This Signature Hike was very successful and all 18 hikers made it to the top and safely down, later rewarding themselves with a late lunch and refreshments at San Tan Brewery in Chandler. Hiking is social as well as physical, so join the club and you too can enjoy interesting areas with a fun group of people. Visit the club website at for more information and photos.